Punk Princess

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"Wait, back up," he says, furrowing his eyebrows together. "So... you really consider yourself punk rock?" 

"Yeah, I do, actually," I say, snapping my gum inside my mouth. 

"Then what do you think you're doing wearing a pink polo shirt and a knee-high skirt?"

"Honestly, West, I really don't know."


Cait Spades has always been the pretty, preppy, rich chick. She's always been the popular one, the "it" girl. She doesn't know anything else. Well, she didn't before, at least. Not before she finally got a chance to use her love for piano to use for music other than classical.

Then she meets Alec, and soon enough, Lacey and West.

What happens when these three people, who are the exact opposite of Cait, collide into Cait's life?

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