Chapter 1

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        The last bell of the day rings, and I smile as I pick up my Chemistry book from my desk and put it away. I stand up, my Hollister skirt flouncing around me as I stand up. I throw my backpack onto my shoulder, smiling brightly as I walk out of the room while guys watch me walk away. I ignore them. I always ignore guys like them -- they're annoying. Creeps like that don't need to be looking at my butt all the time. 

        I go to my locker, fixing my hair and the collar of my polo in the mirror in my locker. I smile, glancing and winking at an attractive senior as he walks by. He smiles back at me, as usual. He walks by my locker every day after school, and that's how our exchange goes. I'm not even completely sure of his name, but I'm pretty sure he knows mine. I'm Cait Spades. Everyone knows me around here.

        Am I royalty? Not by any means. Just the girl that all girls want to be and the one that a lot of the guys want. Well, all the desperate guys and the ones who actually like me and not just my body (still quite a few). 

        I'm a junior. My older sister, Paige, graduated last year, and helped me work my way up the social ladder. Before, I was just a introverted nerd with a preppy taste in clothing. Now? An extroverted, outgoing girl who both keeps her grades and her social life and her preppy fashion all up and in check. The it girl. That's me. I'm not the most popular, but I am popular. And my social standing is important. It helps me get what I want without having to go to extreme measures or treat people like crap to get what I want. 

        Anyway, yeah. That's me. I close my locker door, taking out my Algebra 2 and English books, adding them to my Chemistry book, and head for the band room. I sit down at the piano, and begin to play. It's Fur Elise, one of my favorites. I love classical music. Well, it's kind of forced upon me by my parents, but I do like it. They're all about social standing and popularity and money and status and all that jazz. I'm not necessarily obsessed with it like they are, but I do realize that it's important. And I also know that you can't screw up and just decide to completely change one day. You can transform over a course of time, but you can't just go from hipster to preppy overnight. That's not how it works, and you just end up looking like poser. When that happens, you get labeled and people will just drop you like you're hot (even though you're probably not). People don't like attention seekers. 

        "Hey, you're pretty good." I stop playing piano, whipping around to turn towards the door of the band room. There's a guy there. I've seen him before -- I've had a couple classes with him in the past -- but I don't know much about him. I think he's a senior. He's one of those guys that's labeled as "emo". So he's more than likely a fake. Either that, or he's a nice kid who has a messed up life or is suicidal or something. 

        "Thanks," I say, smiling at him, making sure I look a little bit flirtatious. He's kind of cute. Blond hair gelled up a little bit, but not in that weird, nerdy way. The way that looks somewhat decent. And his eyes. My gosh, his eyes are gorgeous. They're not especially bright or saturated, but they're this cool green-gray mix thing. I love it. 

        "Meet me at this address tomorrow after school," he says, handing me a piece of paper with a street address on it. "See ya." 

        "Who else will be there?" I ask. "Why?" 

        "Two other people. It's... a long story. Well, not really, but... yeah. Just... be ready to play piano, alright?" 

        "Why?" I repeat. "What's your name?" 

        "We need another band member, and I'll tell you tomorrow, Cait," he says, turning around. 

        "Wait!" I yell after him. He stops, looking at me. 

        "Fine, last question. What?" 

        "Why do you need me?" 

        "I think you're a lot more than you seem, Cait. I heard you blasting All Time Low last week, and I need a piano player, alright?" He turns around and walks away without another word. 

        "Wait, why?" I ask, trying to follow him, but by the time I fix the piano bench and begin to go after him, he's long gone. I look at the address. It's three blocks from my house -- I can find it.

        But I just want to know why he needs me. Of all the people, me. Why? 


        AN: First chapter :) Hope ya like it :D

        Dedicated to Beth because she's a sexay beast and yeah :) 

        School is killing me so I can't promise anything about update frequency, but... yeah. :) 

        Thanks for reading :)


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