Chapter 5

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"Why can't you hang out after school, Cay? C'mon, it's been almost two weeks!"

"I'm sorry, Via," I say, looking apologetically at my best friend. "I have stuff." 

"What 'stuff', Cay? What's with you, anyway? You're sneaking around and not telling me things, and you never want to hang out anymore, and you're not acting like yourself. Besides that, you're hanging out with that Weston guy and that Alec guy and that stupid Lacey chick, which is really weird because they're emo and probably suicidal or do drugs or something. What's going on?" 

I still haven't told Via about the band. I haven't told her that, every night, instead of doing homework, I go to band practice. So far, it's been about three weeks since I joined the band. Lacey seems to hate me even more everyday, but Alec's been a lot nicer to me to make up for it, and so has West. I pretty much just ignore her now. I've worn band shirts a couple of times, but my mom found them in my closet and took them away, saying that "that isn't the image that I should be making for myself". I found where she hid them, and now, they're in my car. So are my ripped jeans. 

"Nothing's going on, Via," I say. "I've just... made some new friends. And none of them are suicidal. Lacey's kind of... mean, but Alec and West have been super nice. They're actually pretty cool. Just because someone doesn't look like you doesn't mean that they're bad." 

"I'm not saying that. Just... I thought we had more in common. I guess I was wrong," she says, avoiding looking me in the eye. "I'm sorry. Call me later if you want to talk about this." I see the tears welling up in her eyes as she turns around and walks over to where Zach is standing. He holds her in his arms, glaring at me. Maria looks at me apologetically, but doesn't come over to try and change anything. Soon enough, she and Matt are smiling at each other shyly. I'm completely ignored. No one notices that I'm not there. No one cares. 

But didn't I know that? We've all been that way for a long time. When someone leaves our friend group, we might miss them a little bit, but we get over it and move on, and maybe let someone else into our clique. I hate calling it a clique -- it sounds like we're horrible people (although we, well, they (since I'm no longer there), are) -- but that's exactly what it is. It's a clique, and we treat people like crap, and... yeah. 

If that's what Lacey thinks of all preppy people, then she's wrong. Well, I'd like to say that she is, anyway. Actually, she's kind of right. We treat people like crap without realizing it and act like we have the run of the school and can do whatever we want.

And we do. 

And we get away with it. 

That needs to change. 


"You ready to go?" West looks at me worriedly as I look out the window of the cafe. He bought be a frappe, but I haven't touched it. I don't respond to him at all. I don't want to. 

I'm still pissed at Via. And Zach. And Maria and Matt. And Lacey. I'm kind of just pissed off at everyone for no particular reason. I don't know why -- I'm just angry, and I really just wish West would leave me alone. I honestly don't care about anything right now. I think it's justifiable -- I think I just lost my four best friends. For good. I don't think this is a just a little thing. It could be, but... I don't know. I mean, I have been spending less time with them -- I mean, I'm in a band now -- but that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy the time that I do spend with them. They're my best friends. Well, they were, at least.

I'm kind of pissed at West, too, actually. He said that he talked to Lacey about treating me so... well, crappily, but that she wouldn't change. Bull crap. Both him and Alec have her wrapped around their fingers. The scary part? She has them both wrapped around hers.

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