Chapter 2

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    I tap my pen against my book while attempting to keep my mind on my homework. While shuffling through my Spanish notes, a piece of paper falls out. It's the address that weird kid gave me. For the hundredth time, I begin considering whether to go to the address tomorrow after school or not. He said something about a band, which would be totally awesome, but I don't even know him. Maybe he needs something else. Or maybe he was just creeping on me. Or maybe he's just shy. He isn't exactly the most outgoing type, at least not from what I've seen of him. That might be it.

        I mean, he didn't seem creepy -- at least, not from the little I've seen of him. Then again, what creepy guys do? Once, I went on a date with this cute college guy, and it all went fine until I told him I had to get home. Then he tried to force me to stay at his apartment, so I ran off before he could grab me or something. He seemed normal, and in my first glimpses of him, he seemed pretty charming and handsome.

        People are rarely what they seem -- at least before you get to know them.

        I'm just not sure. He seemed like a nice enough guy and everything, but the whole situation is kind of sketchy. The address isn't in a bad area of town or anything, but I just don't know much about why I'm going there. It's unsettling.

        I should go, though. I feel like I'm expected to show up. I don't know why, because I never made any promises or anything, but I do.

        I guess I'll go. Besides, it's an excuse to not have to be home all afternoon. That's always a good thing.


        I set my lunch tray down at the table with my usual friends, looking around for that kid I saw yesterday. I know it's pointless to look -- more than likely, he has a different lunch period than I do -- but I still look.

        "What's wrong, Cait?" I turn around to see Via looking at me, Zach's arm around her.

        "Nothing, I'm just looking for someone," I say, ignoring Via's laughs as Zach tickles her. The rest of the table includes Zach's best friend, Matt, and Maria, a friend of mine and Via's. They also seem to be paying no attention to Via and Zach. Maria munches at her chicken salad and Matt's biting ferociously into a hamburger as if he's starving. I'm sitting quietly at the table, and Via and Zach are being mushy and disgusting. To everyone else, it looks like an ordinary day. It even kind of feels like one. But I don't think that it is. 

        "Looking for a guy?" Maria smiles at me, giving me a look suggesting that I'm looking for a boyfriend or something. 

        "No, gosh. Not all my frickin' thoughts are about boys, Maria. Unlike yours," I say, smiling back at her and glancing back and forth between Matt and Maria suggestively. 

        "They are not," she says, blushing a little as Matt smiles at her. She has a huge crush on him, and I think everyone in the school except for Matt knows it. The cute thing is that he has a huge crush on her and everyone but her knows it. It's adorable. I think that they know, and that it's a lot more than just a crush, but that they're just too shy to admit it or do anything about it.

        I go back to looking for that guy that saw me in the band room yesterday, but with no positive results. When the end-of-lunch bell rings after half an hour and I walk to my next class with mixed feelings about my after school plans. I still don't know what I'm doing or why I'm doing it, and I'm still kind of unsettled, but I don't think anything too bad can happen. I mean, he didn't seem creepy or anything, so I hope that it'll alright. 

        Three hours later, I'm walking out of school and to my car, looking at the address paper once again. I know where the street is, but I'll have to watch for the house number. I get into my car, blasting Fall Out Boy (it's my secret obsession; I love pop punk and punk rock music) once I get away from school. 

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