Chapter 15: Another Human

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        Max and Charlie walked to the other side of the large room, leaving Emily's decaying body behind. They reached a set of double doors on the right of the room and pushed them open. It was another large room that was falling apart.
        There was a giant hole in the center that was impossible to jump over. However, there was another concrete pillar that had fallen across the gap. It was starting to fall apart, but they decided to cross it anyway.
        They both decided to go together. Charlie stayed behind Max and held onto his shirt. They took careful steps and sometimes stopped when they felt the pillar move.
        Charlie looked down and saw nothing but darkness. She suddenly felt a surge of panic and started to lose her footing. She lashed her arms around, trying to keep her balance, but she ended up slipping. As she fell, she accidentally grabbed onto Max's shirt and pulled him down with her.
        They both screamed as they fell to the second floor. They landed on some hard wood and groaned in pain. They then moved to get up, but the wood beneath them broke again, causing them to fall to the first floor.
        Charlie groaned when she hit the hard, cold floor. She looked around for Max, but then screamed in pain when she felt something heavy land on her right leg. She looked up with teary eyes and saw Max laying on her leg.
        "Max, my leg," Charlie cried out.
        "Shit, I'm sorry," Max quickly said while getting off of her.
        Charlie slowly sat up and rubbed her head. She looked around the dimly lit room and saw tables that were stacked on top of each other.
        "Where are we?" Charlie asked. She slowly pushed herself up and latched onto one of the small tables.
        Max walked over to her and helped her regain her balance.
        They had no idea where they were at. The room they were in seemed different than the other ones they were in before. Charlie was a bit scared.
        The room they were in was wrapped in a strange plastic. Doors were covered with it and so were the windows. It blocked another hallway, so they were forced to find another way out.
        On the other side of the room, there was a set of double wooden doors. They walked over to the doors and pushed them open, revealing a long, plastic wrapped hallway.
        Charlie looked to the right and saw a hallway that was blocked off by plastic. She looked to the left and saw an open way. When they reached the end of the hallway, they turned right and walked down another plastic wrapped hallway.
        Max gasped when he heard a quiet hissing noise behind them. He turned around and saw the Crawler, the alien creature that attacked them in the elevator.
        The Crawler turned its head towards Max and Charlie when he heard Max gasp. It hissed and quickly crawled towards them, jumping on the walls and even crawling on the ceiling.
        Charlie screamed and ran down the plastic wrapped hallway with Max. They turned right down another hallway and then left. They could hear the creature breathing behind them causing them to run even faster.
        Max could feel himself getting tired. His lungs were burning and begging for air, but he kept running as fast as he could. His heart suddenly dropped when he felt his foot get stuck on some of the plastic that was sticking up. He tripped and yelled for Charlie.
        "No!" She yelled when she saw her best friend go down.
        Charlie almost slipped when she quickly flipped around and ran back towards her friend. She shielded his body with her own and watched the ugly creature crawl closer to them. The Crawler then leapt towards them with an open mouth and outstretched arms. Charlie closed her eyes and waited for the blow.
        Charlie quickly opened her eyes when she heard grunting and hissing. There was a man who was now on top of the creature punching it mercilessly in the face.
        The Crawler yelped every time it received a punch and it finally managed to escape from the man's tight grip. It quickly hopped onto the ceiling and crawled back from the way it came.
        "And stay away!" The man yelled in a deep voice.
        The guy was about six feet tall. He had a nice, lean build, and an attractive face. His dark brown hair was in a messy combover and he wore black glasses. He was also wearing a brown outfit that looked like a prisoner's outfit.
        Charlie's first instinct was to get up and hug the guy. When she did, he tensed up.
        "Whoa, uh, you're welcome?" He said awkwardly.
        Charlie blushed and quickly let go of the guy, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just happy that you saved us. We would have been monster food if you didn't." Charlie replied quickly.
        "Oh, it's fine. I had to save you guys. You two are the only sane humans left here," he replied.
        "Yeah, so, what's your name," Max barged into the conversation.
        "My name is Ben. I'm a patient here, but I'm still sane. I wasn't experimented on like the others were," Ben replied.
        "You mean the Korbitron experiments?" Max asked.
        "Excuse me?" Ben asked. He was shocked that they actually knew about that.
        "That's the reason we came here. We heard about this place online, but there was no information on it, so we decided to check it out. We've been stuck here for hours," Max replied.
        "Well, this might sound creepy, but I've been watching you. I saw you on the cameras and I knew that I needed to find you. You guys can spill the information to the authorities. You can stop Korbitron," he replied with hope in his voice.
        "You mean you're willing to help us?" Charlie asked happily.
        The man nodded silently and then proceeded to help the two friends up. "Come on, let's work together to find a way out of here," he replied while walking down the hallway.
        Max and Charlie happily smiled at each other. They were now filled to the brim with hope and happiness. They finally found someone they could trust. This man was their ticket out of here and their way of getting evidence out to the authorities.
        "Well, come on now, you wouldn't want to lose your way out of here," Ben said playfully.
        Charlie and Max quickly followed after him and hoped that Ben would stay with them for the rest of their trip.

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