Chapter 20: Termination

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        When Charlie opened her eyes she saw nothing but an empty, black void.
        "Great, I'm here again," Charlie whispered to herself. Her voice echoed throughout the void.
        She looked around the void, hoping to find a door, but there was nothing. She was trapped in her own empty mind. However, Charlie didn't mind this. She would rather be stuck in her quiet mind than be trapped in that dumpy asylum.
        Suddenly, Charlie heard a noise that echoed loudly through the void. She couldn't make out what it was though. She looked around the void with panic filling up in her body. She waited for the noise to ring out again, and soon enough, it did.
        Charlie soon realized what the noise was and she was now more frightened than before. The sound was a chainsaw and it was quickly getting louder. She whipped around and screamed when she saw the Guardian floating towards her, with his bloody chainsaw in his hands.
        The Guardian roared as he swung his chainsaw at her, slicing her in half. As she got ripped in half, Charlie suddenly woke up again. She was still in the dark void, but something felt off.
        She looked around and gasped when she heard a loud growl behind her. She slowly turned around and saw her worst nightmare yet. It was a group of all the creatures she encountered inside of the asylum.
        There was the Crawler, Trinity, the Creeper, the giant creature with two heads, the Guardian, multiple patients that they encountered, Agostino who was standing in the front, and floating above everyone else was the Silhouette.
        Charlie screamed as the creatures rushed towards her. She quickly turned around and ran away from the creatures.
        Charlie realized that she was back in the asylum and she was running down a long, dark hallway that was never ending. The creatures were catching up to her, so Charlie increased her running speed. She felt her foot hit a rock causing her to trip and slide across the broken wooden floor. She turned around and saw the creatures getting closer.
        Charlie gave up and closed her eyes. She just wanted to go home. She wanted to be with Emily.
        Charlie slowly opened her eyes when she felt a warm, soft hand caressing her cheek. When she opened her eyes, she saw something that shocked her. Emily was floating right in front of her and she was glowing a bright yellow.
        "Charlie," Emily spoke in her normal soft voice. She was smiling down at Charlie and was still gently caressing her cold, bruised face.
        "Emily, is it really you?" Charlie asked. She could feel a warm tear rolling down her cold cheek.
         Charlie reached her arm out to touch Emily, but she quickly disappeared. In the back, she could see the creatures that were frozen in time.
        Suddenly, Charlie felt a warm hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Emily floating behind her.
        "Charlie, you need to wake up. You can still make it out. You're so close," Emily said in her soft voice.
        "I don't want to wake up, Emily. I want to be with you," Charlie said, her voice beginning to crack.
        Emily wiped the tear that was still rolling down Charlie's cheek and said, "I'm sorry, Charlie. You can't. You still have a good life to live."
        Charlie gasped when she saw Emily and everything else around her beginning to fade. She fell to her knees crying and reached her hand out to the disappearing Emily. "Emily, don't leave me," she said with tears flowing down her face.
        "I'll always be with you, Charlie. I love you," Emily said one last time before finally disappearing into thin air.
        Charlie looked at the floor and let her salty tears fall to the floor. She could feel herself being pulled out of her mind. She knew she was waking up.
        Suddenly, Charlie heard loud gunshots ring out. She quickly opened her eyes and saw that she was back in the lab. She looked around and saw the dead bodies of patients surrounding her.
        "Charlie, wake up! We need to go!" Max called out behind her.
        He grabbed her arm and yanked her off of the floor, following Ben out of the experimentation room. They ran down the curved hallway and back into the room with the broken machines.
        Ben pulled them behind one of the machines and whispered, "Hold on."
        He pointed to the SWAT members that were currently running past them and into the experimentation room.
        Once they were gone, they walked back up the stairs and into the first room with the bulletproof glass. They slowly walked back down the hallway and went back through the giant metal door.
        "Hey!" A muffled voice called out from behind them.
        They turned around and saw a SWAT member aiming his rifle at Ben.
        "Shit, run guys!" He told Charlie and Max.
        "But what about yo—" Charlie was cut off by an angry Ben.
        "Don't worry about me, damn you! Just go!" He yelled one last time before charging towards the SWAT member.
        Max grabbed Charlie's sleeve and pulled her down the blood, covered hallway. They ran through the broken decontamination gate and reached the dusty, circular room. They then ran out of the room and reached the elevator that was now at the bottom of the shaft.
        "Let's go!" Max said while pulling Charlie into the elevator and pushing the first floor button.
        The elevator creaked as it slowly moved up the shaft. It went up for about a minute before finally reaching the first floor. Charlie could see bright sunlight shining through the main exit. She then slammed the elevator gate open and hobbled over to the open exit with Max.
        "We're almost there," Max said while holding the injured Charlie up.
        Before they could exit the asylum, multiple SWAT officers marched through the main doors and surrounded the two injured friends.
        "Put your hands up!" One of the officers shouted.
        Max and Charlie looked at each other with sadness in their eyes before slowly putting their hands up to surrender.
        One of the officers walked up to them while pulling two pairs of handcuffs out of pocket. The other officers had their rifles pointed at them, ready to shoot if they tried to get away.
        Before the officer could put the handcuffs on, a loud humming sound filled the lobby. It grew darker and the SWAT members pointed their rifles at the ceiling.
        Charlie and Max turned around and saw the Silhouette hovering above them. It quickly flew down towards the SWAT members and began to rip them apart. They all screamed and began to fire at the ghost, but failed. It quickly killed all of them and then flew away, disappearing into thin air.
        The two friends sighed in relief and then turned back towards the main exit. Charlie stared at it happily and then limped out with Max.
        They walked out as the same time and took in a fresh breath of air.
        "This is it. We finally made it out," Charlie said while walking down the circular driveway.
        The warm sunlight mixed with the cool breeze felt good on Charlie's cold, bruised skin. Her prison suit was covered in blood and her skin was cracked and dry. However, Charlie didn't care anymore. She was just happy they finally escaped that hell hole.
        Charlie and Max walked past the giant SWAT cars that were parked in the driveway and reached Charlie's small, white car that was still carefully parked behind the broken swing gate. Max was the first to climb in. Charlie, before getting into the drivers seat, looked at the asylum one last time while smiling.
        "Thanks for the frightening, but fun adventure," She said quietly to herself.
        "Come on, Charlie," Max said while turning the car on for her.
        Charlie finally climbed into the car and sat down. She backed up and then turned around, quickly driving through the giant iron gate of the asylum. They drove past the sign that was still hidden in the trees and continued down the quiet mountain road.
        "Next stop, Home," Charlie said while staring at the asylum in her rear view mirror.

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