Chapter 3: The Creeper

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Charlie slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room with blurry vision. Her arms and entire body felt weird. Something was wrong. Charlie blinked until her vision cleared and then looked down. She gasped when she saw a dirty rope tied around her ankles. She looked up and saw that her arms were hanging above her head. Charlie realized that she was hanging upside down.
'How am I supposed to get down from here?' She thought to herself while panicking.
She wriggled her feet trying to free them, but the rope was too tight. Charlie looked at the floor and saw a sharp piece of glass sitting right underneath her. She stretched her arm out as far as she could and slid her fingers under the piece of glass. The glass lifted enough for her to firmly grip it in her hand. Charlie then stretched her arm up to her legs and slowly cut the rope. She cut through the last piece of thread and then fell to floor landing on her back.
"Damn that hurt," She said while sitting up and rubbing her back softly.
Charlie looked around. The room only had one small light that hung from the ceiling and it was very dim. It was also freezing in there. She could see that the room was full of hanging dead bodies that had their limbs cut off. Charlie knew that she needed to get out of there, but she needed to find her friends first.
        Charlie gasped when she heard the door open. She couldn't see where the door was though because of the bodies. Heavy footsteps came towards Charlie so she took cover behind one of the hanging bodies. Out of the darkness came that weird creature with the butchers knife. He was still dragging the sack around in his other hand. The creature walked over to one of the hanging bodies that still had limbs attached and he set the bag beneath it. He then raised his arm into the air and sliced the head off. The head fell into the bag and blood came pouring out of the body's throat. Charlie held her breath as the creature picked up the sack and walked right past the body she was hiding behind. It soon disappeared into the darkness and Charlie started breathing again when she heard the door slam shut.
        Charlie pulled her flashlight out and turned it on. She moved the light around the room and looked for the door the creature went through. Charlie slowly moved through the bodies and stopped when something caught her eye. One of the bodies that was hanging upside down looked familiar. The person had light blonde hair and wore glasses.
'It's Emily,' thought Charlie.
She quickly ran over to Emily and examined her face. Charlie tapped Emily's shoulder and she slowly opened her eyes.
"Charlie, is that you?" Emily asked in a raspy voice.
"Yeah, it's me. Don't move. I'm gonna get you down from there." Charlie replied.
Emily's expression went from confused to frightened.
"Down from where?" Emily asked in a panicked voice and then looked up at her feet. She screamed when she saw the rope that was  tightly tied around her ankles.
"Emily, don't scream. That creature will find us." Charlie whispered angrily.
Emily quickly shut her mouth and let Charlie cut the rope. She quickly caught Emily before she hit the ground and then set her on her feet.
"Thanks," said Emily.
Charlie nodded and then said, "We need to find Max before the creature comes back."
Emily nodded and then pulled her flashlight out. Now they both had their flashlights on.
        Emily and Charlie pushed through the bodies and continued to search for Max. They both whispered his name, but there was no reply.
"There's hundreds of bodies in here, we'll never find him if he's out cold. He won't be able to hear us," Charlie said.
Emily ignored her when she heard a quiet noise that sounded like footsteps. The footsteps were soft and quiet unlike the creature's footsteps. She could hear them getting closer to them. Charlie must've heard them too because she was looking all around the room. Now, the footsteps were right in front of Emily. She backed up a little bit and they both hid behind a body. Emily yelped when a face popped out of the darkness, but then sighed in relief when she realized it was only Max.
"Max? How did you escape from the rope?" Charlie asked.
"Rope? What rope? I was sitting in a dark corner." He replied.
"That's very strange. Why didn't the creature hang you up like he did to us?" Charlie asked.
"Now is not the time for questions," Emily said, "we need to find a way out of this giant room."
Charlie and Max nodded and they continued pushing through the bodies.
        After walking for about two minutes, the three of them came up to a door.
"Finally, we found a way out of here!" Emily said.
She grabbed the doorknob and slowly pushed the door open. They all peeked out and saw that they were in a kitchen.
"I think we were in a giant freezer," said Max.
They walked out into the kitchen and stood there taking in deep breaths.
"We made it out," said Charlie.
        The kitchen reeked of rotten food and the metallic smell of blood. Emily shivered and looked around the room. The kitchen was large and it was full of empty shelves and broken glass. Pots and pans were scattered across the room and there was a strange stain on the concrete floor. The stain was too dark for blood. It was a jet black liquid and it looked fresh. Blood is never that dark.
        Emily walked over to it and she knelt down to touch it, but Charlie and Max quickly came over and stopped her.
"What is that?" Charlie asked.
Emily shrugged and examined it more. She looked up and saw a trail of the same black substance going down a hallway.
"Let's follow it," Emily said as she stood up and walked down the hallway.
        The floor was now made of dark brown floorboards that were full of splinters. Some of the floorboards were torn out of the ground revealing the dusty concrete underneath it.
The black substance stopped at the end of the hallway and Emily scratched her head. She looked into the other room and saw nothing. Charlie looked up at the wall and then called Emily over. The black substance was all over the wall. There was also a large hole in the wall with the black substance dripping out of it. Emily jumped and held onto the edge of the hole. She peeked through it and saw nothing but darkness.
"We should crawl through there," Emily said as she hopped down from the hole.
        Just as Emily landed on the ground a strange noise came from the room that she checked a few moments ago. The three of them backed away from the doorway as a figure appeared from the darkness. It was the creature with the butcher knife. It stood in the doorway and stared at them with its piercing red eyes.
"It's the Creeper," Max whispered. Just as it came charging towards them a long tail appeared from the hole in the wall. It shot towards the Creeper and quickly wrapped around one of his ankles. The Creeper tripped and dug his long fingernails into the floorboards as the tail slowly dragged him back towards the hole. He screeched loudly as he desperately tried to escape from the tail's tight grip.
        The tail was long and it was full of needle like spines. The spines dug into the Creeper's ankle and went deeper every time the Creeper moved. Escaping it would only make things worse. The tail let go of his ankle when he sliced at it with the butchers knife. The Creeper crawled away only to be grabbed by the tail again. This time, the tail wrapped around his body and the spines pierced through his stomach. The Creeper screamed and was pulled up to the hole. Half of his body was inside, the other half was still out. He was holding on to the edges of the hole. Two giant, jet black hands grabbed the Creeper's hands and finally pulled him inside of the hole. The Creeper stopped screaming and everything went silent.

        "Let's get out of here," Charlie said.
They ran into the room that the Creeper came out of and then ran down another hallway. The path that went straight was blocked by fallen debris, but there was another way. They ran to the right down another hallway. At the end of the hallway sat an old elevator and they ran to it. The elevator had one of those scissor doors and it would not shut on its own so Emily had to pull it shut.
"Do we go up or down?" Charlie asked.
"Just go up!" Emily said quickly.
        The elevator creaked and groaned as it slowly went up. It started shaking and then made a terrible sound that sounded like a metal chain breaking in half, except it was much louder.
"That didn't sound good," said Max. The elevator stopped and then started sliding down.
"Everyone, hold onto the sides! We're going down!" Emily yelled. They grabbed the railing that was attached to the sides of the elevator. The elevator made a loud screeching noise as it fell to the floor directly below the one they were just on. Emily, Charlie, and Max fell to the floor when the elevator suddenly stopped. Emily looked up and saw that the elevator light was flickering. It flickered one last time before it shut off, leaving the three friends trapped in a dark hallway. They all stepped out of the elevator carefully.
"Great, here we go again," said Emily and they all walked down the dark hallway.

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