Chapter 4: Another Creature

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Charlie, Emily and Max stepped out of the broken elevator and slowly walked down the dark hallway. All three of them had their flashlights out, but Charlie was the only one who had her flashlight turned on. The hallway was quiet, almost too quiet. The only noise they could hear was the sound of water dripping down from the ceiling. Charlie traced the ceiling with her flashlight and discovered a long wire that went down another dark hallway. She decided to investigate the other hallway. Emily and Max followed her like a lost puppy.
At the end of the hallway was a door and above the door was a sign that said, 'POWER ROOM.' The door groaned as Charlie slowly pushed it open. The three adults stepped inside the dusty room and looked around. On one side of the room sat old, broken machines that didn't look very important. However, there was one that really stood out. It looked like a small generator and it had a lever on the side with a small red light flashing above it. Charlie walked over to it and flipped the lever. There was a loud crackling noise that echoed throughout the hallways. The adults looked up when they saw the lights flicker on.
"Well, would you look at that. The lights came on!" Max exclaimed. As soon as Max said that, the lights started going crazy.
       "Wait, what's going on?" Asked Max.
        The lights flickered faster and faster and a loud humming sound filled the room. Emily, Charlie and Max covered their ears and cried out in pain. Charlie screamed and fell to the floor. The noise continued for a few more seconds and then stopped. The lights also stopped flickering.
       "What the hell just happened?" Emily asked. Max and Emily ran over to Charlie and grabbed her arms.
       "Charlie, are you ok?" Max asked her. Charlie nodded and then stood up.
"Come on, let's head back to the elevator. We might be able to fix it now that we've turned the power on," Charlie said while rubbing her head.
        They walked down the two hallways and arrived at the elevator.
       "Max, can you fix the elevator?" Asked Charlie.
        Max nodded and looked at the control panel that was sitting in the bottom left corner of the elevator. Max's hands moved quickly. He pressed buttons, fixed wires, and then flipped a small switch that was inside the control panel. Charlie was impressed with how fast his hands moved. "There we go. She's all fixed," said Max as he stood up and wiped his hands on his pants.
The elevator rattled and the lights flickered.
       "Is that supposed to happen?" Asked Emily.
       "No, that is definitely not supposed to happen," Max replied.
The elevator shook some more and the three adults fell to the floor. A loud hissing noise echoed through the asylum and a long, spiny tail flicked down into the elevator door. Blood dripped from the tip and fell to the floor leaving small droplets of red. The elevator shook one last time before a black arm covered in crimson blood shot through the roof of the elevator. Charlie, Emily, and Max screamed in unison. The creature roared and lashed its arm around the elevator desperately trying to grab one of the adults. It shot its tail out towards Charlie, but she quickly ducked. She then ran towards the scissor door and slammed it shut, crushing the creature's tail and causing it to cry out in pain.
The creature pulled its arm out of the elevator allowing the three of them to get a good look at its face. It had all black skin and a huge mouth that started at one ear and ended at the other. The mouth was full of a hundred razor sharp teeth that were covered in blood and it had a long, rope-like tongue. It had no eyes and no nose.
The creature hissed at them and then proceeded to grab the wire that was holding the elevator up.
       "No..." Charlie knew exactly what the creature was about to do. It raised one claw up and quickly sliced through the wire. The elevator creaked and made a loud screeching noise. The creature hopped off right as the elevator began to slide down the shaft.
        "Everyone hold on!" Charlie yelled.
        They all grabbed onto the railing. It started falling faster, and faster until the three of them were floating in the air. The railing was the only thing that was keeping them from flying up and hitting the ceiling.
The elevator suddenly stopped and Charlie, Emily, and Max fell to the floor. Charlie groaned and held her side. She felt something wet so she lifted her shirt up and discovered a medium sized cut on her stomach. 'I must've cut it on the railing,' Charlie thought.
"Charlie, are you ok?" Max asked worryingly.
"Yeah, I'm good." Charlie replied. The three friends got up and peeped out of the elevator door. Charlie knew that they would have to continue on. The elevator was in very bad shape and couldn't be fixed without a real elevator repairer.
They stepped out of the elevator one by one and looked around. They were in a large room that almost looked like an office. On the other side of the room was a door with a sign that said 'EXIT' above it. One of the doors was pushed down and the other one was slightly pushed open. Charlie, Emily, and Max walked up to the doors and looked outside. Rain poured down and lightning flashed right above the asylum.
       "Well, it looks like we have to go outside," said Emily.
        Charlie pulled her sweatshirt out of her backpack and quickly slipped it on. Emily and Max also put their jackets on.
       "Ready?" Asked Charlie.
        They both nodded and the three of them stepped outside into the cold, dark night.

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