Chapter 7: Emily

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       The soft sound of trickling water filled Emily's ears causing her to jolt awake. She felt something wet brushing against the left side of her face and body. When she looked up she discovered that she was laying in a trickling stream of water in a dark tunnel. Emily groaned and slowly got up on one of her knees. She examined the tunnel and saw a rusty pipe running along the ceiling. Stalactites hung from the pipe indicating that the pipe has been leaking water for awhile.
        Emily looked down and grabbed her flashlight that was sitting next to her right leg. She flicked it on and ran the light down the tunnel finding nothing except a dead end. When she turned around, she found a small light that was pointing toward a smaller pipe.
        'I could crawl through there,' Emily thought.
        She walked over to the small pipe and crouched down, quickly shining her flashlight into it before crawling through. Emily groaned when her knees and hands got wet from the stream of water that was still trickling through.
        Emily came to another large tunnel at the end of the small pipe. She stood up and wiped the dirt off of her knees and hands. There was another small light at the end of the tunnel which lit up a sign that was sitting above another large room. The sign read 'Sewers' and Emily felt disgusted.
        'So that's why this place seemed stinkier and dirtier than usual,' she thought.
        Emily walked past the sign and entered the larger, and more open room. She was standing on a catwalk that had a small set of stairs at the end. The room that was down the stairs was flooded. It was fairly lit and stacks of wooden boxes were scattered all around it. At the end of the room, she could barely make out what seemed to be another catwalk with a ladder at the end. The ladder, however, was also flooded.
        Emily then noticed a sign that was hanging to the left of her. It was a map of the area she was in. It showed two tunnels, one going to the right and one going to the left. The one that went to the right led to a dead end. The one that went to the left led to a draining valve that she could use to drain all of this gunky water to reach the bottom of the ladder.
        Emily proceeded down the stairs and into the waist deep water. The dirty water soaked her pants, shoes, and underwear which made her very uncomfortable. She walked towards the left tunnel and gasped when she heard something big move into the water beside her. She turned her head and saw Agostino's Guardian walk down from the catwalk she needed to get to.
        She quickly continued down the tunnel she was going down.
        'Please don't see me, please don't see me,' Emily chanted it in her head over, and over while slowly pushing her way through the water. She could hear the Guardian moving behind her which gave her massive anxiety.
        When Emily reached the end of the tunnel, she hopped over two boulders that were stacked against each other. The boulders kept the water out allowing her to crawl through a smaller tunnel. She then stood up and squeezed through some rubble. She hoped that the creature wouldn't be able to fit through there. If it did, she would have no where to run.
        She sighed in relief when she saw the drain valve sitting in a small room. The valve was rusty, making it hard to turn, but Emily was able to get a firm grasp on it and slowly turn it until she heard a loud hissing noise.
        Emily squeezed through the rubble again and then crawled back through the smaller pipe. She walked over to the boulders and saw that the water was completely gone. Only a small stream flowed through the large tunnel.
        She looked around for the Guardian and listened for the sound of a chainsaw, but heard nothing so she continued down the tunnel. When she reached the end, the loud roar of the chainsaw echoed throughout the sewers and filled Emily with fear. She quickly walked over to the ladder and began to climb down. She screamed when the Guardian charged over to her out of no where and swung his chainsaw at her. The chainsaw missed her and cut through the ladder instead.
        The ladder began to creak as it slowly fell backwards with Emily still on it. She screamed again when the Guardian kicked the ladder causing it to fall faster. She stopped screaming when she finally felt the ground slam against her back. The ladder fell on top of her, knocking the wind out of her.
        Emily coughed as she tried to bring air back into her lungs. She took deep breaths and slowly climbed to her knees. Her back now ached and her head throbbed. She tried to look around, but her vision was too blurry. She shook her head a few times and rubbed her eyes until her vision finally came back.
        It was pitch black so she grabbed her flashlight and turned it on. She was in another tunnel filled with water, except this time the water wasn't waist deep. The water frightened Emily. Yes, it only came up to her ankles, but that's not what frightened her. What frightened her was the crimson red that swirled in the water. There was so much, she could smell it.
        Emily ignored the bloody water and continued her journey. She thought of poor Max and Charlie. She hoped that they were working together to find Emily and a way out, but she doubted it. She knew that Charlie and Max were super close to each other, but Agostino was there to tear them apart. Perhaps literally.
        She couldn't remember anything that happened after Agostino's Freak Show. The only thing she could remember was seeing that poor woman get brutally murdered by that psychotic douchebag. Emily didn't want to remember anything after that. She knew it had to have been something bad if it ended with her getting separated from her other two friends.
        Emily stopped walking when she saw another map under a small, bright light. She walked up to the map and examined it. It was a map of the sewers and it was huge. There were tons of paths and rooms that confused Emily. She felt hopeless until she found a main tunnel that led to the exit. It was the same tunnel that she was already following. She just needed to stay on that path and she would finally be out of the stinky sewers.
        Emily continued to follow the tunnel. She looked around and saw she was surrounded by multiple paths, but she knew to ignore the rest.
        After walking for about two minutes, Emily stopped. She stopped because she heard the sound of running footsteps from behind her. They were small, human like footsteps that echoed off the walls. Emily shined her light down the dark tunnel when the footsteps got louder. She waited for, whatever it was, to appear out of the darkness, and soon enough, it did.

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