Chapter 17: An Unknown Spirit

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Charlie and Max followed Ben out of the large room and turned left down another plastic wrapped hallway. They made it to a medium sized room on the right that wasn't wrapped in plastic. There were two doors on the other side with a sign that said, 'Exit.'
"We need to get to the main elevator," Ben said while walking towards the doors.
He tried to push them open, but failed. Both doors were locked and barred up.
"Damn," he whispered under his breath, "we need to find another way." Ben turned back towards the two friends and walked past them. "Follow me," he told them.
They both nodded and followed Ben. They turned right down the hallway and came to, what seemed like, a decontamination gate. The three friends walked through it, but both doors suddenly shut on them.
"Huh? What's happening?" Charlie asked while jumping back.
"Calm down, it's only a decontamination gate. It'll scan us and then let us go," Ben said calmly.
The machine suddenly sprayed them and then the doors quickly flew back open. Charlie sighed in relief.
"Why are those even here?" Max asked.
"They spray the doctors before they head into the experimentation room. It means we're getting close," Ben replied.
The three friends continued walking down the hallway. The hallway they were walking down now was completely destroyed. Blood was splattered all over the plastic, dead doctors were scattered across the floor, and the lights were completely off. There was a flashing red light on the ceiling and an alarm was blaring in the distance.
"What happened here?" Max asked quietly.
"They got out," Ben whispered under his breath.
The three continued down the long hallway and vaulted over a desk and boxes that were blocking the way. They came to the end of the hallway and squeezed between a bookshelf and stacked boxes.
They turned a corner on the left and came to a small room with the lights on. They all looked for another way out, but immediately stopped in their tracks when the lights flickered off.
"Guys? What's going on?" Charlie asked.
A clanking noise was heard behind them and Charlie gasped. The lights suddenly turned back on and Charlie turned around when she heard grunting noises. She saw a doctor wrestling with Ben. The doctor was holding a large syringe in his hand and was trying to stab it into Ben.
Ben was struggling to push him away, so Charlie ran over to them only to be grabbed by the hair. She clawed at the hand that was pulling her back and suddenly lost her balance. She fell to the floor with the hand that was still tightly gripping her hair.
"Let go of me!" Charlie screamed while kicking at the person behind her. The hand finally let go after she kicked the person hard in the leg.
She turned around and saw that it was another doctor with a syringe. There was also a doctor that was wrestling with Max. She then looked over at Ben and saw that the doctor had just shoved the syringe into his neck. Ben fell to the floor limp and the other doctor came over to Charlie. Now, both doctors were charging towards her.
The first one pushed Charlie against the plastic wrapped wall and easily held her arms down. The other one came over and aimed the syringe at her neck. He smirked before shoving the needle into her neck and Charlie felt her entire body go numb. She fell to the floor and saw Max being stabbed with the syringe before Charlie's vision went completely black.
When Charlie woke up, she found herself strapped to a metal surgery table. She looked down at her body and saw that she was wearing the same outfit as Ben. She then lifted her head up and looked around the small, plastic wrapped room. On the right of her, she saw Ben strapped to another surgery table.
"Ben," Charlie whisper yelled hoping he would hear. She could see him opening his eyes so she called his name again, "Ben."
Ben slowly turned his head and gasped when he saw Charlie strapped down. "Charlie, are you okay?" He asked her.
Charlie nodded and said, "Yeah. Try to be more quiet, though. I don't know where we are."
Suddenly, one of the doctors came into the room. He looked at Charlie and Ben and then walked over to a small desk that had a computer resting on top. He turned the computer on and then pressed a small, red button that was on the keyboard. The restraints that were holding Charlie and Ben down suddenly opened.
Charlie quickly sat up and rubbed her wrists. "What the hell are you doing?" Charlie asked the doctor angrily.
The doctor turned to Charlie and scowled. "I don't need to answer your questions," he replied in an intimidating voice.
Charlie growled and leapt towards the doctor. He tried to dodge, but Charlie grabbed both of his arms and slammed him down on the surgery table she was just on. The doctor struggled to push Charlie off, but she didn't budge.
"Ben, press the button!" She called out.
Ben quickly got up and ran over to the computer, slamming his fist down on the red button. The metal restraints closed again and trapped the helpless doctor on the table.
Charlie then grabbed the syringe that Ben found next to the computer and shoved it into the doctor's neck. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he went completely limp. Charlie sighed in relief.
Ben walked over to her and gently rested his hand on her shoulder. "Good job," he said while smiling at her.
Charlie smiled back, but then frowned when she heard a familiar voice behind them. Charlie looked and saw that it was Max.
"Guys," Max panted, "hide."
Charlie gasped when she heard a familiar humming noise and saw the room growing darker. They all took cover behind the surgery table Ben was on and waited for the creature to enter the room.
"It's...real?" Charlie whispered under her breath when she saw the black, misty skeleton fly into the room.
The ghost looked around the room and slowly hovered towards the table they were hiding behind. Charlie thought they were goners until she heard a scream ring out from behind the ghost. It was the doctor that was trapped on the table.
The ghost whipped around and quickly flew over to the man, causing him to scream louder. Without even lifting a finger, the ghost easily broke the restraints and lifted the man into the air. He was gasping for breath and clawing at his throat like he was being choked.
The doctor's body suddenly started to change. The black substance now covered his body and his appearance was changing. He coughed, spewing the black substance all over the floor. The doctor's head suddenly popped like a balloon, sending chunks of his brain flying across the room. His lifeless body fell onto the table and the ghost hovered back out of the room.
Charlie was now terrified of that ghost. She thought it only followed her around, but now it was following all three of them. They needed to find a way out of here.
"What was that thing?" Max asked, breaking Charlie out of her thoughts.
"I call it the Silhouette. I don't know exactly what it is, though," Ben replied.
The three friends slowly walked out of the room and turned left down another hallway.
Charlie gasped and turned around when she heard the humming noise behind them. There was a dark, misty cloud forming near a stack of boxes. The ghost suddenly appeared and made a distorted screech before quickly flying towards them.
Charlie pushed on Max and yelled, "Run!"
The three friends quickly ran down the hallway, almost slipping on the plastic wrapped floor. They turned down many different hallways until they came to another decontamination room.
The doors slammed shut and Charlie yelled, "We're trapped!"
They all waited for the ghost to fly in and kill them, but it didn't. The doors then slid back open, revealing the ghost waiting behind a see-through door. It stood there and stared at them with its empty eye sockets and then flew away, disappearing off in the distance.
"The ghost cant enter decontamination rooms," Charlie said while sighing in relief.
Max and Ben nodded and then exited the decontamination room.
"Come on, we can still find our way out of here," Ben said while walking down the dark hallway.

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