Chapter 1: The Plan

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        "Good morning, sleepyhead!"
        Emily screamed when she opened her eyes and saw Charlie right in her face. Charlie laughed when Emily fell out of her bed.
        "CHARLIE," Emily yelled, "HELP ME UP NOW!"
        Charlie quickly hopped off of Emily's bed and pulled her up. Emily raised a fist at her and Charlie whimpered.
        "That's what I thought," said Emily. Charlie hopped back into Emily's messy bed and grinned.
        "What's that grin for?" Emily knew that Charlie was up to something because of the big grin that she had on her face.
        "Welllll," started Charlie, "I was wondering if you'd like to go explore an abandoned asylum with me. I already invited Max and told him that we'd be going today."
        Emily just stared at Charlie with an 'are you serious?!' look on her face.
        "Well? Are you in?" asked Charlie.
        Emily closed her eyes and sighed and then looked back at Charlie, "O.K. I'm in."
        Charlie made a high pitched squealing noise and then hugged Emily tightly.
        Emily quickly pushed her away and said, "Watch yourself."
        Charlie nodded and backed away. She didn't want Emily to change her mind about going. "Well, I better get back to my house and get ready for tonight. Emily, make sure you eat something before we go," Charlie said as she walked out of Emily's room.
        "Alright, call me when you're about to leave the house," Emily replied while rolling her eyes.
        Charlie yelled, "Sure thing," and walked out of the house.
Emily wasn't so sure about tonight. The thought of going to an abandoned asylum in the middle of nowhere frightened her. Who knows what is inside that place. She then mindlessly walked into her kitchen and made herself a bowl of cereal while thinking about the asylum. Her stomach churned and her heart raced every time she thought about it.
        About 30 minutes had passed now. Emily was cleaning her dishes while still thinking about the asylum.
She jumped when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She quickly dried her hands off and pulled her phone out, reading the notification on her lock screen. It was a text from Charlie and it said: 'Hey Em! We will be leaving at exactly 5:00 tonight! I got ahold of Max and asked if he still wanted to come along with us and he said yes. Make sure you bring a bag full of supplies. See you in a few hours! P.S. If you want to know more about the asylum, just search up 'Red Hills Asylum' on Google.'
Emily turned off the sink and trudged back into her room. She pulled out her computer chair and opened her laptop, clicking on the Google web browser. She typed 'Red Hills Asylum' into Google and hit search.
        'Oh boy, I wonder what'll pop up,' Emily thought.
        She was expecting some gruesome article to pop up and say, 'BODIES FOUND IN ASYLUM. ASYLUM SHUT DOWN' or 'SATANIC RITUAL TAKES PLACE IN ASYLUM, DEMONS FROM HELL NOW ROAM ASYLUM.' Emily frowned when the page came up with no results.
        "Maybe I typed it in wrong." She looked at the name to make sure she didn't misspell anything and then hit search again. No results found.
        "What the hell? Why are there no results?" Emily sighed and stared at her computer screen.
        "Well, I better get packed." She stood up and grabbed her black backpack out of her closet. "Okay, I need to bring water, a flashlight, and maybe a few snacks for the car ride there. I should bring a jacket too."
        Emily slipped into her kitchen and pulled a water bottle out of her cabinet. She stuffed it into her backpack and then grabbed two small bags of Doritos and stuffed those into her backpack as well. She looked at the clock. It was only 10:00.
        'Damn, time goes by slow,' Emily thought.
        She walked back into her room and grabbed her grey sweatshirt that was hanging behind her door. Now she just needed a flashlight. Emily opened her desk drawer and dug through all of the junk she had in there until she found a flashlight. She tested it to make sure it still worked and then she grabbed extra batteries.
        "Alright, I think I'm ready," she said to herself.
        Emily yawned and rubbed her eyes. 'I think I'll lay down for a while.' She climbed into her soft bed and closed her eyes. 'I'll only keep them closed for a few minutes.' But it was too late. Emily fell asleep in just 30 seconds.
Emily was confused when she opened her eyes. She looked around her room and then looked at the clock that was sitting on her desk. It was already 4:00. Charlie would be coming at 5:00 to pick her up.
        "What? I was asleep for 6 hours?" Emily jumped out of her bed and ran into the bathroom. "I need to get ready!"
        She quickly brushed her teeth and then she tried to put her shirt on. Her shirt got stuck on her head and she groaned. "Damn shirt! I don't have time for this!" Her shirt finally slipped over her head and she quickly yanked her pants on.
        Emily brushed her hair and then stuffed her hair brush into her backpack. She looked at the clock. It was only 4:30. I still have about 30 minutes.
        Emily's phone vibrated and she pulled it out of her pocket. Charlie was calling her. Emily answered it, "Hello?"
        "Hey Em! I just picked up Max and now we're driving over to your house to get you. Thought we should probably leave a few minutes early. Are you all ready?"
        "Yeah, I'm ready. Where are you right now?"
        "Just about to turn down your street. Oh, I better go, I don't wanna get a ticket for being on my phone while driving. I'll see you in like, two minutes!"
        "Alright, see ya!"
        Emily hung up and shut off all of the lights in her house. She grabbed her house keys, walked outside, and quickly locked the front door. Charlie pulled into Emily's driveway and honked her car's horn. Emily walked up to Charlie's car and said a quick hello to Max and Charlie before climbing in the back seat.
        Max turned around to face Emily and asked, "You ready for this, Emily?"
        Emily replied confidently, "Hell yeah I am."
        Max chuckled and turned back towards the front of the car. Emily was secretly nervous though. She wasn't worried about the drive because she knew that Charlie was a great driver. Emily was worried about the asylum. She doesn't know what's inside and she knows nothing about it because Google said that there were 'No Results.'
        "So where exactly are we going," asked Emily.
        "Why are you asking me this? Didn't you do research on the asylum?" replied Charlie.
        "I tried to, but Google said that there wasn't any information on it," Emily said quickly.
        "No results? That's strange," Charlie said while making a confused face.
        "Did you do any research?" Emily asked.
        "No, but I got us directions so I know the way. I wonder if the asylum is still being used," Charlie wondered.
        "We'll find out when we get there..." Emily replied in a fearful voice.
"Okay, I think this is the road," said Charlie.
        The three friends were driving deep in the mountains. There were no buildings in sight on the abandoned mountain road. Emily saw that the mountains still had snow on them which meant that they were up at a pretty high elevation. The road that they were driving on now was pure dirt. Lots of dead bushes and trees were on the sides of the dirt road. Emily looked out the front windshield and saw a large structure not too far away.
        "That must be the asylum," said Emily.
        "Damn, that thing is huge!" Max exclaimed.
        Emily nodded silently. They drove for about 8 minutes until they came to a large sign hidden in the dead trees that said, 'RED HILLS ASYLUM.'
        "Here we are," Charlie said as she drove through the asylum's large iron gate.
        She stopped in front of a swing gate that was blocking the road and she turned the car off. "Well, let's go!" Charlie said as she hopped out of her car.
        Emily slowly climbed out and stared at the giant asylum. The asylum itself looked like an ancient Victorian castle that came straight out of a horror movie.
        'So this is Red Hills Asylum. Ha, we are so going to die in here.' Emily thought to herself.
        "I have to get my stuff out of the trunk," said Charlie.
        Emily and Max nodded and then followed Charlie to the back of her car. She pulled the trunk open and then grabbed her grey backpack and slammed it shut. Charlie smiled and then walked away from the car.
        It was 6:30 so the sun was setting. Half of the sky was black, the other half was a light orange.
        "We better get going then," said Max.
        Emily sighed to herself and thought, 'This is going to be one hell of an adventure.'

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