Annabelle and cuddles

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MIKEYS pov***

We start watching the film and in the corner of my eye I see Ellie and Brooklyn cuddled up on the sofa. They look so cute together. I have to get a photo. I laid down pretending to be on my phone and took a picture of them both, during the photo Brooklyn looked down at ellie and smiled to himself. They look adorable. They look like a couple.



Ryemont🐝☺️- awwwwhhh you guys look adorable. X
Ellie🦋💕- awh we do look kinda cute, when did you take this? X
Mikey👾x- like a few mins ago x


I saw the photo and screenshotted it. The way he's looking at me, he kills me. A scary part comes on and I jump and move closer into Brooklyns side. He puts his arm around me and I put my hand on his leg •that sounds weird ik but it's not• he looked at me and smiled. " you look gorgeous" he said "Thankyou brook but I don't, I've been crying and I look a state!" I say
He just shakes his head and I just laugh. It feels so right to be next to Brooklyn and in his arms. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. " I'll get it!" Rye said. We sat there and listened who it was. " guys it's Jake, how did he know where I was? Brook tell rye that I'm not here!" Brook jumps up and runs to the door.


I hear someone coming down the stairs and of corse it's brook. " hold on" I say to the boy who's at the door. " brook what are you doing" I whisper to him. He stands on his tip toes and whispers something in my ear. " oh ok I'll sort him out" I say back to Brooklyn. He runs back upstairs and I turn around.
" I'm sorry about that, how can I help you?" I say trying not to give anything away. " haha it's ok, Erm so you know where I can find an ellie Rose, she moved here a couple of days ago?" He says " no sorry"I say.


" pick up, pick up, pick up, MUM HEY, whatever you do, DO NOT ANSWER THE DOOR! Jakes here!" I shout down the phone. " ok we won't, your round at the boys aren't you? You will be ok baby, they will protect you" my mum says and it calms me down. " Thankyou, I'll be home soon" I say and end it. " right he's gone, your lucky I didn't kill him, how are you feeling?" He says as he sits next to me. " I've been better but Thankyou guys, I'm gonna go home and get some sleep now, ill text you guys later" I Say
" wait, don't go, sleep here tonight?"
And they all agree with brooklyn. " where am I going to sleep?" I say
Everyone looks at Brooklyn and smiles. I pretend I didn't notice. "Brooklyns bed" andy says, of corse he does. " yeah, I'll sleep on the sofa" " ok I guess it's only for one night" I say pretending to be bothered when I'm not. " I'm gonna go get some Jamas from my house, anyone want to come?" I say and Brooklyn gets up and we go to mine. We literally run to mine so that Jake doesn't see us. " hey Mum is it ok if I stop at the boys tonight, we are half way through a film and we plan on watching more?" I say and she says yes. I run upstairs and get changed into my Jamas. I walk downstairs and see Brooklyn starring  at me. " you ok brook? You zoned out" I say " yes I'm totally fine, better than fine actually" he says. " awh your too are the cutest." My dad says " dad! Stop embarrassing me" I say and walk out the house. As I walk out the house I get slapped in the face. Brooklyn jumps in front of me and punches him. " Jake, what do you want?" I say. " you ellie, I want you, I love you, I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't mean to cause you to harm yourself...." he says " just fuck off Jake, I don't want to see you ever again. Next time I see you, I'm ringing the police" I say and he walks off. " are you ok ellie?" He Asks " yes I'm fine, I just want to go to bed" I say, we walk into the house but suddenly stopped by Brooklyn. " brook c'mon I'm tired" I say playfully pushing him. " I know, but I just wanted to tell you that you look absolutely stunning in your pyjamas." He says and I blush. We go upstairs and I climb into bed. Everyone is watching 'The Grinch' but I can't sleep because of what just happened. So I decided to text brook.


Ellie💕- come lay with me, I'm cold and all the boys are asleep😘xx
Brooky❤️- I'm coming 💕xx

I locked my phone and climbed into my bed.

" hey" I say " hey brooky" she says and laughs. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me. " omg your fucking freezing" she says and laughs. " well we can get warm together then" I laugh. She rests her head on my shoulder. " I'm sorry" she says. " what for?" I ask in confusion. " for all of this, Jake, and i just don't want anyone to ruin this" she says. " Honestly, I don't mind looking out for someone who means so much to me and the boys" I say. Shit why did I say the boys. " Ellie?" I say " yes brooklyn?" She says in her tired voice.
" goodnight gorgeous" I say to her.
" goodnight brooky" She replies. And then we fall asleep in each other's arms. I don't fall asleep straight away. I lay there looking at the ceiling and wondering ehat it would be like if she was my girlfriend. Then I fell asleep.

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