Chapter 46

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(Mae's P.O.V)

When I got into Oliver's bus, I just started crying again.

"Why would he d-do that to me?!" I sobbed, sinking to the floor.

"Oh Mae," Oliver sighed pulling me in his arms. "He probably didn't mean to." He said.

"Oh his lips just happen to accidentally meet the girls lips!" I exclaimed.

"No, not like that. What I mean is maybe it wasn't him that kissed her." He explained.

I look at him and think. Maybe Oliver's right. Maybe the girl kissed him,. I don't know, I just need some time. It's still hard when you see something like that.

"Maybe. I just want to take a break for a while though." I said.

He hummed and let me go. "You wanna explore the bus?" He asked.

I nod smiling slightly.

"Alright." He smiled, taking my hand and leading me to the bunks.

He pointed to the bunk that was on the very bottom closest to the entrance.

"So this one is yours, no one uses it so your fine." He said.

"Thank you Oliver, I really appreciate it." I said sitting in the bunk.

"It's no problem love." He said. "Just know that I'm always here for you. Even outside of tour I'll be there for you."

I smiled at him. I'm glad Oliver and I are getting off on a good note, he's really sweet. He feels like the big brother I've never had.

He sat next to me on the bunk and we started talking.

"So where is the rest of the band?" I asked.

"Oh their at some bar not to far form here." He said.

"Oh." I said quietly. "Do you think they'll welcome me here?"

"Of course! There really nice to, so don't be shy around them." Oliver said.

We both laughed until we heard a loud banging on the door.

"Stay here." Oliver said, getting up.

I couldn't see everything that was happening. All I did was listen.

"Where is she!" Ricky's voice boomed.

I jump at the sudden outburst.

"Woah man, take it easy!" Oliver shouted.

I get up and walk over to the commotion. Ricky was the first to notice me. Relief washing over his eyes.

"There you are! I was looking every where for you!" He said, trying to get onto the bus.

"Ricky cut the shit, I saw what happened." I said angry.

His whole body froze, and his eyes went wide. "Mae, I can explain." He begged.

"Oli get him off this bus." I said angrily and walked back to my bunk.

"Mae, please!" He yelled.

"Give her some time Rick. You hurt her. Badly." Oliver said, then the sound of the door slamming shut filled my ears.

I lay in my new bunk and feel tears again.

"Hey, please don't cry. You're strong." Oliver said.

He kneeled down and wiped away a tear that fell. He then started to laugh.

I glare at him. "What's so funny?"

"Your makeup, it's a mess." He laughed.

I had totally forgotten I had makeup on.

"Oh shit." I whispered and ran to the bathroom.

It really was a mess. It looked creepy which I loved, but I had to get all of this off my face. I got a wash cloth and ran it under warm water. I began to wipe off the makeup. I felt relieved once it was all off my face.

"Hey Mae! You're getting a call from Ricky." Oliver called.

I'm not in the mood to talk to him, but I also want to hear what he has to say.

"Um can you answer it for me?" I called back.


I heard him say hello and I blocked out the conversation, I'll just talk with Oliver later. I walk out and grab my pajamas and went back into the bathroom to change. I walk back out and I see Oliver off the phone and a angry look on his face.

I sat next to him. "Well? what did he say?" I ask.

"He wants to talk to you face to face." He told me.

"Ok, when?" I ask again.

"I told him to give you some space for a while, but he kept refusing and we argued for a while but he finally gave in to give you some time." He explained.

I nod. "Thank you Oliver." I said hugging him.

He hugged back, "no problem love."

Soon voices could be heard and the rest of the Bring Me the Horizon band walked in. I got nervous, what if they don't like me!

"Hey mates, this is Mae, Chris's daughter. She'll be staying with us for a while." Oliver said to all of them. "Mae, this is Matt, Lee, Jordan, and Matt." He said to me.

I shyly waved at them and they all greeted me with a hug.

"Nice to meet ya lad." Jordan said to me.

The rest of the night we all talked and had fun. I'm glad that they all like me.

"Come on mates we need some sleep!" Oliver told us.

We all agreed and headed to our bunks. It all got quiet and the bus started to move.

I was just about to fall asleep when I felt my phone buzz.

I look at sent me the text and it was my dad.

'Please be safe. When you wake up immediately come see me at the venue. Goodnight. -Dad'

I smile slightly, then started to wright a reply.

'Everything is fine here dad. I'm sorry that I just ran off like that. It's just something happened and I feel like my world is crumbling down. I'll tell you about it when I see you tomorrow. Goodnight. -Mae'

I hit send and locked my phone. I then close my eyes and see Ricky and that girl kissing. Tears silently sliding down my face.

And that night I had cried myself to sleep.

Sorry for any errors or misspells

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