Lesson 4

656 21 12

four | expressions

🌸 Be alert when to use the periods [.] coma [,] and question marks [?]. Know the proper way to use them.

🌸 In a dialogue or a paragraph, too much use of exclamation points [!] may confuse the readers if the character is yelling, mad or not [Example: hi!!!!!!!!]

🌸 Using italic for flashbacks or important details

🌸 Bold is also for important details but in different approach

🌸 Type fully. Avoid slang and word shortcuts. Except the expressions e.g wtf

🌸 Cussing must be concealed to avoid any reports [Example: Shit is Sht or Shet. Fuck is Fvck]

🌸 The emoticons, allows readers to imagine [Example: =____= Mad. Happy ^_________^] but prevent using too many. Although personally I don't suggest this. It is viewed as childish.

🌸 In dialogues use ["] not [:]. This is a comment mistake for beginers

Tips in WritingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon