Fans Stan x Famous! Reader

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Third person
"FELLAS, Y/N POSTED ON HER YOUTUBE!!" Butters' voice boomed through the class. They all whipped out there phones as a pretty girl with h/c hair spoke.

"Hey everyone! So I have a big announcement to make! I'm gonna go on TOUR!!! I'll be doing shows at these places and times in which I'll reveal in just a sec. But first I'm not going on tour alone! Julie, Sarah, and Ben (if you want to add your own friends names go ahead! I just found this to be easier) will be with me doing skits and just talking! Thank you all for making this possible and I hope to see you in person, Alright now here's the list of places!! See you all soon!" She concluded showing a slideshow of locations.

All of the students were glued to their screens as they were hoping to see one specific location, until eventually....there it was. South Park, Colorado.

Stan's POV
"Omg SHES COMING HERE!" Kenny cheered along with Token and Cartman, secretly smiling to himself.

"Dude we have to get tickets!" Kyle said shaking my shoulder, bringing me back to reality. I simply nodded trying to hide my blush. I have had a crush on this girl for a long time, well me and pretty much every one of her followers. She just was so pretty and her personality was always optimistic.

Your POV (before the tour)
"Are you ready Y/n?" Julie asked me with a smile. I nodded feeling my hands shakes as she notices and grabs them. "Don't be so nervous, they already love you, you can't mess up!" She says with a comforting voice. I softly smile, I know I acted happy in all my videos, but in reality I was living with social anxiety. Sarah had convinced to do a tour and get out of my comfort zone. I agreed thinking it was a good idea at the time, now I'm having second thoughts but we were too far into this mess.

Time skip the day of the tour

Our first stop was in California, since we lived there. It went so perfectly!! The crowd laughed and we were all being happy and ourselves as if we were recording with a live audience.
"Okay! Sadly this ends our show..." I say into the mike hooked on my face. I hear the crowd awe in sadness. "But no matter! We will have a meet and greet just outside for a couple hours to talk and take pictures! I'll see ya all soon!!" I give my signature outro I do in all my videos as the crowd cheered and we left the stage.

"THAT WAS SO COOL!" Sarah jumped up in excitement. I laughed as Ben grabbed us drinks starting to get ready for the meet and greet.

"Say where's our next stop?" Ben asks me as I put my hand on my chin.

"Uhm... oh! Colorado!" He says cool as we headed toward the meet and greet.

Stan's POV
"Dude! Do you have the tickets?" I asked my three friends, they all held them up and smiled. Cartman rolled his eyes. "Okay that's the third time you asked that, the show is in three days stop getting your panties in a twist." He smirks as Kenny changes the subject putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, do you think she's here right now?" He muffles out as Kyle chimes in with stars in his eyes. "Maybe we should try to meet with her before the show! That way we can brag about it!"
Just before I had anything to say in this situation I was dragged outside.

Your POV
"We are here!" I heard the bus driver yell to us as we nodded. We headed out as we were behind the hotel we were staying at. And by staying at, I meant hiding behind so no one can find our room number and find us. As I looked out into the bitter cold I heard yelling from the bedrooms.

"You really think that's a good idea?!"
"Yes in a matter of fact I do!"
"What's going on??" Sarah and Julie look at me with hands on their hips.

"Sarah wants to go explore the town!"
"I just wanna see the place, I've never been here before!"
"And what if we get noticed?" Ben comes in while Sarah was trying to look for the right words to say.

South Park X Reader one shots {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now