Lol RoseLavender69 struck again with the request. LETS GET TO IT
Kyle's POV
I sat in my usual desk.Surrounded by the usual people.
Just like any other day.
It was English class that was probably the most boring.
All you do is talk about a book the whole class says they read but didn't.
Although there was always that one student who did read the book.
But I never knew who that person was.
Until maybe about 3 weeks ago.
3 Weeks Earlier
"Alright class we will now be hosting a Socratic seminar!!" The teacher clapped her hands together as the whole class groaned.
We formed our desks around in a circle as our teacher handed us some papers.
"Now these questions are questions I want you to discuss on our book we just finished, 'To Kill a Mocking Bird!' So who wants to go first?" The class went quiet as we all averted our eyes from the teacher and down onto the paper.
I stared at the sheet on my desk focusing on the questions and skimming over the whole page before I heard someone's voice finally speak up.
"Okay, personally I think Scout should have been proven innocent and not guilty!" Clyde said as the teacher rolled her eyes.
"Clyde...Scout is the daughter of Atticus....did you even read the book?!" The class laughed as Token spoke up.
"I think what you mean is Tom Robinson should've been proven innocent, I mean it was clear that he was framed. But based on how times were back then, it sadly makes sense it would turn out that way."
Okay...a conversation started, I listened closely and speaking whenever I could just to get participation points.
We interrupt this program for a quick lesson: just in case you don't know what a 'Socratic Seminar' is it is basically something where students are sat in a circle. Normally there are two rows, inner and outer(based on the number of students) and the inner circle people talk. The outer people spot the people in front of them and mark every time they talk and critique them. In this case there is no outer circle but I just wanted to clear that up.
At one point I noticed a girl nervously tapping her foot and fiddling her hands. I started to notice that every time someone stopped talk she would open her mouth to speak but someone always beat her to it. It looked like she was fighting herself over whether not she should talk.
I tapped my chin slightly before the teacher spoke up.
"Y/n! Do you have anything to say?" The girl I was staring at before jumped and quickly shook her head.
"Are you sure?"
She slumps down nodding.
"Fine, then I'll ask you a question and if you don't answer you'll fail this class."
The class went quiet as all eyes fell on the girl. She clenched her fists and sighed in defeat.
"What are your thoughts on Atticus Finch?" The girl looked down and thought about the question.
"Personally I think he's unrealistic."
"Uhm...what do you mean unrealistic? More like he was the only sane one in the whole town!" I heard Wendy protest.

South Park X Reader one shots {DISCONTINUED}
FanfictionJust some possibly long story one shots, slow updates depending on creativity. I do not own anything related to the show, art, etc. I just own the story writing. I hope you enjoy ^~^ Is it weird that we are crushing on 10 year olds and making them o...