This is TOTALLY a chapter (???) X Reader

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Your POV
I was sitting on my bed, reading a story of some kind when I felt my thoughts being pulled by something.

I had this strange feeling of being watched, I had no idea how to explain it though.

Nonetheless, I looked up at the direction I felt the stares were coming from, but nothing was there.

I just stared blankly at the wall, then I started to hear something faint. It sounded like MCR, or maybe PATD? I don't know what it was but it sounded pretty emo.

I slowly got out of my bed and pressed my ear against the wall, the song started to become louder. So maybe I wasn't as crazy as I thought? This wall isn't connected to another room, so why can I hear a sound coming from it? I decided to grab my phone.

You- we got a sitch
Craig- alright Kim Impossible what could possibly be more important than me about to go on a date?
You- just get your boyfriend and come over for a sec
Craig- okay

A couple a minutes pass as I hear the doorbell ring.

"ITS OPEN!!" I yell as the door opens slightly, I call again so they find me in my room staring at the wall. I point at it.

"My house is haunted!! There are sounded coming from it, and it's not connected to a room or anything!" Craig sighs as he presses his ear against the wall.

"I don't hear anything Y/n."

"O-oh my gosh! MAYBE THIS IS IT! THE PARANORMAL IS TAKING OVER OH JESUS!" Tweek panics as I start to as well.

"Guys seriously?! Calm down there's nothing paranormal going on! Y/n maybe you were just hearing things..." Craig said calmly as I shook my head.

"No! I was sure I heard a song! And..." before I could finish my sentence we heard a faint voice come from the wall.

"Hey I'm Jay from the Kubz Scouts and welcome back to..."

"What the f$ck!!??" All three of yelled in unison.

"OH MY GOD!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!" Tweek yelled grabbing his hair.

"Calm down honey we can fix this!" We both carefully watched Craig as walked out of the room and came back with a sledgehammer a couple minutes later.

"Where in the world did you find that?!" I yelled at Craig opened his mouth to speak but another voice came in.

"Yeah, that makes sense, you didn't even know you owned a sledgehammer in your own house!!" Our eyes snapped to the wall as a girl like voice spoke.

"HEY DO YOU KNOW WHATS GOING ON!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE WALL?!?" I yelled and banged on the wall.

"That's it! Stand back!!" Craig warned as I obeyed and watched him swing into the wall cracking the whole thing.

The wall crumbles down and we are able to see into the other side. It was a girl with brown hair and sitting on her bed holding her phone. She looks up nonchalantly.


"Sup??? SUP???" WHO ARE YOU?!?" I screamed as she got out of her bed.

"Who am I??? Oh come on! I met you in like two chapters and you still have no idea who I am!?" She looked offended as I raised in eyebrow.

"Two chapters?!? What's that supposed to mean?? I'm so confused!!" I grabbed my head as I hear her clear her throat to grab our attention.

"You see this wall you broke? This was the fourth wall, you broke the fourth wall. Now I can't write the rest of the one shot knowing the wall is totally shattered!!" She said walking over it and inspected it.

South Park X Reader one shots {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now