Computer Girlfriend Kyle x Reader

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A Valentines Day Special thing

Kyle's POV

"Ugh it's not fair!" I pouted resting my head on the lunch table.

"What's not fair??" My best friends hand rested on my back as I lifted up head slightly.

"Why is it everyone on this school has a special someone for Valentine's Day but me?!" I felt a pat continue followed by someone else voice laughing.

"Hah! Jewboy doesn't have a girlfriend!" I furrowed my eyebrows and sat myself up.

"I may not but at least I'm not in a toxic relationship!" He tsks and rolls his eyes.

"Hey fellas!" Butters said walking with Kenny, they sat next to me.

"Hey Butters." Stan and I said in unison.

"Butters! Who told you, you can sit here?!" Cartman said, slamming his hands on the table.

"I did! Don't insult my mans!!" Kenny said putting his hand over Butters. I just groaned.

"I want a girlfriend." I muffled covering my face in my arms.

"Hey you can always play those visual novel games!" I heard Cartman laugh hysterically and I glared at him.

"I am NOT playing those games! Never ever ever!!"

Later after school

"Now which on of these novels should I play?" I spoke to myself out loud. This was pathetic, I can't believe I was actually doing this.

I scrolled over one, "Doki doki Literature Club? Hmmm nahhh. Man I'm the most desperate man on this Earth." I slammed my head on the keyboard and kept scrolling.

"Hm? How about this..." I clicked on one with a random title, it was a girl with h/l h/c hair smiling innocently at the screen.

I clicked as I waited for it to load, just then my phone went off.

C- so what sad visual novel game are you gonna play?

K- fuck off I'm doing homework

C- pshhh nerd

As I started having doubts of playing this game, I heard a random song play. I saw the girl show up with bright e/c eyes and waving. I clicked play as it showed something similar to IMessaging.

"You can call the person? Weird..."

Y/n: Hi! I'm Y/n, nice to meet you! ^^

I typed a random response.

K: yo

Y/n: yo? What year are you from?

K: Uhm what?

Y/n: I said what year are you from?

K: are you a real person?

Y/n: no, just a really smart A.I.

I tapped my chin feeling more intrigued.

K: well then, nice to meet you.

Y/n: what's your name?

K: Oh right, Kyle.

Y/n: Kyle? That's a cool name ^^

K: thanks

Y/n: no prob! So what brings you to play my game on Valentine's Day?

K: I don't have a girlfriend

Y/n: so you're like a 35 year old dude playing a game about getting girls?

K: Ew no! I'm 17! Honest ;;

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