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Ashton POV-

He knew that she wasn't interested in him at all. In fact, it almost seemed that she was repulsed by him. The way she cringed when Amelia told Sarah he was a drummer was one point against him and then when he spoke she did the same quick, almost unnoticeable, crinkle of her little button nose. 

She had already made her mind up on him and they hadn't even spoken to each other. 

And then they finally did speak and she sounded even more annoyed. She tried to hide behind her menu. Then the waiter had to take that away from her. 

What Ashton did notice was the way the waiter looked at this girl. He wanted to take her home. 

When Ashton brought that to her attention he could see her become flustered. Her cheeks became rose colored and she looked around to try and hide the fact she was perplexed by the fact a man found her alluring. He found it a turn on that she didn't see herself in that kind of light. 

But most girls just said that, or acted in that way, to make people say they were in fact attractive. Sarah had been rude to him since she walked in the door but he could tell it was mixed with a confidence in herself. So why did the confident, to put it bluntly, bitch, all of a sudden weaken at the thought of a guy finding her attractive?

When she stormed out of the restaurant, people began to stare at him and the waiter had a small smirk on his face. Ashton knew just how to get what he wanted, and ruin that waiters day all in one blow.

He jumped up grabbing his heather gray hoodie, black leather jacket, and beat up old brimmed hat and ran out the front door. Shouting for her to stop, she was not having it. He reached out to grab her arm and pull her to face him. 

When she turned to him her green eyes shocked his senses. Were they that green in the restaurant?

"Can I help you? Was I supposed to pay for your meal as well?" She was reaching into her purse to grab more money.

That was his cue, and he wrapped his arm around her waist and pushed his lips onto hers. Feeling no reaction of her trying to push away he lifted his arm from its hold on her waist and pushed his hand against her upper back bringing her chest to his and making her mouth much more accesible. 

She pulled her lips away and with anger brewing in her eyes she spoke, "I really don't like you."

He smirked thinking about how he was not there for her to care about him. He had a need, and she could easily satisfy it. He was only in town for the next two days. 

"Great. I really don't care," he said putting his lips back onto hers. His tongue traced her lower lip and she was not allowing him the access he wanted. What he did notice was that her lips were the perfect mixture of plump, and sweet. It was like he was waiting to bite into a peach that had a thicker skin than most.

He started to picture all the other places he would want her lips on his body.  

She pulled away again, "Why the hell are you doing this?" 

"To make your little waiter friend jealous and to get you to come home with me," he smirked his free hand going to her cheek and his nose brushed against hers. Her skin was a warm shiver through his system. The layers she wore must actually help. 

But that's when, with a little more force, she pushed herself completly out of his reach. 

"You are so vile. This has to have been the worst blind date I have been on and I have been on too many to freaking count." she stormed away from him. 

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