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Ashton's POV

Pulling up to the small resturaunt, Ashton had asked Amelia on her way out of the office what Sarah's favorite resturaunt in the city was, he saw Sarah's eyes open wide and she spun her head to look at him. 

"I may have asked for a little help," He winked climbing out of the car and walked over to her side of the car to open the door. 

She said nothing as they walked into the restaurant and the waiters all greeted her with wide smiles. 

She must come here a hell of a lot for them to all greet her with such kindness. And look at the way she smiles at them. It is a nervous, but kind smile. It''s a very beautiful smile. I wonder if she has ever smiled like that at one particular person? Someone so special- wait...I don't actually care. She is just my in.

"I take it you come here a lot?" He placed a hand on the small of her back as the waiter led them to a small secluded table near the back. 

"Yeah. It's the one place I like to eat alone. Sounds lame but they never make me feel bad for coming in by myself," She shrugged and took her seat. 

"Really? You like eating alone?" He raised an eyebrow at this fact. 

"I would not say I like it. I am just used to it. My parents weren't really around, either working, having affairs, ya know the usual of rich white people problems, so one of their maids would cook me my meal, leave it out on the table for when I got home and I would just sit and watch the world go by from my penthouse suite windows," she grabbed the napkin tossed it on her lap and looked up at him, like everything she had said was normal. 

"You are such an odd one Sarah," he shook his head and let out a somber laugh following her actions.

"How?" she asked genuinely confused.

"You speak about these things, like they are normal everyday occurrences. Being alone, eating alone, growing up...alone. That is not normal. I don't know what I would do without my parents, or my little brother, or my band mates, who have become like my family. And here you sit, content with being by yourself." he quickly shut his menu to watch her. Her skin looked like some of the finest porcelain and she was just looking around the restaurant like she was trying to avoid where he was trying to go with his statement. 

"You're avoiding..." he trailed off to try and get her attention back to him. 

Her head shot to his and he was caught off guard by her nervous eyes. 

"I am not avoiding anything. You made a deduction and then compared our lives to each other. They're different. Congratulations," she spoke rushed, and he could tell what he said had upset her. Which was not his intention. 

"I didn't mean to make you mad. I was just surprised. I was trying to understand you a little bit better," He gave a feeble smile. He felt bad for her. She was alone. He did not like to think of her as lonely. 

"Fine then. You understand me a little better. Now," she slapped her menu shut put it on the edge of the table and looked him dead in the eyes, "Why did you really bring me here?" 

"Wha-what?" he trembled. 

"Oh Ashton. Although I am flattered you took the effort to, well, make an effort, I know none of this is actually for my benefit," She laughed. 

Oh she is good. Maybe she wasn't looking at me like she liked me but more like she knew what I was up to and was playing her own game...Damn. That is actually a lot sexier. 

"I don't know what to say," And it was the honest truth. She was one of the only women who had ever figured him out. Which tells you a lot about the usual women he met up with. 

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