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Screw it. I just felt like posting this chapter anyway. But for real next chapter will not be posted until I reach 50k reads and 950 followers. I hate to do it but I just don't get how I get ranked, and still can't seem to gain followers. Its a conundrum. 

So here it is....

Sarah's POV-

Six months. Six months Sarah had been separated from her best friend who was living the rock star girlfriend life. They spoke all the time. Whether it was texting or skyping, they did whatever they could to stay in touch. But it wasn't the same thing as being near her and actually sitting to have lunch and catching up.

It was hard getting into work every morning and not having Amelia jump over the small cubicle wall to scare Sarah. She enjoyed the small adrenaline rush to start her day. 

"Are you coming home for July 4th?" Sarah asked.

"Not sure yet," Amelia spoke on the other line. 

"Those boys are Australian. They don't even get what it is! You need to come and visit me! I miss you!" Sarah whined. 

"I will see what I can do. We're in London right now, so there really is no talk of 4th. I actually forgot it was coming up." Amelia laughed. 

"Coming up? It's tomorrow!" Sarah cried as she walked into her apartment. 

"You're right," That voice didn't come from the phone. 

Sarah almost hit the ceiling as Amelia's voice was heard throughout her apartment. Not just her voice, her whole freaking person was sitting on Sarah's couch.

"Amelia!" Sarah dropped her stuff and ran into her friends arms. It was the first hug she had received in awhile and it was amazing. It was warm, friendly, and full of a friendship she had missed more than she could fathom to describe.

"You think I would miss our nation's Independence Day?" Amelia laughed. 

"Aka: the biggest drunken occasion of the summer!" Sarah corrected. 

"You barely drink! But I brought some people with me. I hope you don't mind," Amelia pointed to the hallway and Sarah leaned over to see a group of people in the shadows. And they began to walk into the living room. 

"Luke! Michael! Calum!" they all ran up to her and gave her the biggest bear hugs. She was spun around several times and she couldn't have been happier. 

"I am surprised how much I missed you," Luke laughed as she punched his shoulder. 

"Yeah Ashton was telling him-" Michael started but Luke punched him in the stomach. 

"Guys, it's ok. You can say his name. It isn't like Voldemort or anything. It doesn't hurt, or kill me," she laughed. 

"Good because that dude is a fucking mess. His drumming isn't the same, he literally walks off stage and into the bus and just hides in his cubbie until we get to the hotel where he then locks himself in his room. I'm also pretty sure he has been writing in a journal," Calum blurted out in what she thought sounded like a singular breath. 

"I don't think she wanted all that info. I think she just meant his name was not taboo to say," Luke covered his face, embarrassed by his bandmate, "But since he brought it up, it's true." 

"I mean he's started to talk to us again but that's only been in the last two months or so. Before that Amelia was the only one he talked to because she was the only one who would talk to you on a regular basis and he wanted to make sure everything with you was ok." Michael added. 

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