5. Announcement

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Riley's POV

I wake up the next morning to the sound of my phone vibrating on the nightstand. I groan, turning over and reaching out to grab it. "Hello" I answer sleepily.

"Morning Cotton Candy Face" Zay replies making me chuckle.

"Good morning Zay" I reply sweetly. "Is there a reason you're interrupting my beauty rest?" I tease, sitting up.

"Uh yea actually. Your ex is driving me up a wall. I'm calling to inquire about his off switch."

I giggle, leaning back against my headboard. "What's he doing?"

"I think he's making breakfast but what's horrible is the music coming from the kitchen. I think it's Carrie Underwood. Riley how do I make it stop?"

"Sorry but there is no off switch my friend. He does have an on switch though" I smirk.

"Yea well I won't be needing that" he replies with a chuckle. "How long are we punishing the idiot anyway?" he asks curiously.

I gnaw my bottom lip, shrugging my shoulders. "This isn't a punishment. He cheated on me Zay, he can't just waltz back into my life expecting everything to be sunshine and rainbows."

"I get it" he concedes. "How's the kid?"

"The kid is the love of life but a pain in my ass" I sigh. "I understand her anger towards Lucas but she doesn't understand us. What Lucas and I have-."

"Is weird" he interjects making me giggle.

"Is not."

"Uh yea it definitely is" he chuckles, "but it's cute too. You know I'm pulling for you Friar."

My heart skips a beat. The papers were yet to be filed so I guess technically I still was a Friar.

"I know Zay. Thank you."

"Anything for you Cotton Candy Face" he replies sweetly. "Talk to you later."

"Later" I agree, hanging up the phone and heading out of my bedroom.

I walk into the kitchen to find my daughter leaning against the counter clutching her head. "Morning" I say carefully.

She doesn't respond. I sigh, moving towards the coffee pot and pouring myself a cup. I glance at my daughter and find no coffee in sight. Why would she make coffee and not have any?

I decide to drop the thought as the bedroom door opens and Elliot wanders out half asleep.

"We have plans today so don't go running off" he instructs Bella. She nods numbly, standing up and heading back into her bedroom.

Elliot shoots me a kind smile but I can see through it; this boy didn't love my daughter, not the way Blake did.

I just had to figure out how to make her realize it.

~ 💔 ~

I raise my hand to knock on the front door of Zay's house but before my hand meets the wood, the door is thrown open and the love of my life stands on the other side with wide eyed excitement. "Riles what are you doing here?"

"I need your help" I explain, brushing past him and walking into the foyer.

"Alright" he replies, closing the door behind me. "What do you need princess?"

My heart flutters but I have to ignore it, our daughter needed our help. "Bella and Blake are meant to be together and the intrusion of Elliot is running everything."

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