12. Hospital

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*Trigger Warning: Miscarriage*

~ 💔 ~

Blake's POV

"Sweetheart you should go home and get some rest" Riley whispers as she places her hand on my shoulder but I shake my head.

"I'm fine right here" I reply, squeezing Bella's hand while she sleeps.

I hated hospitals. They were always too bright and smelled like antiseptic. Not to mention Bella's nurse was a flirty woman who was seemingly just out of college. I swore if she hit on me one more time I'd call Bella's grandma to get a sexual harassment claim against her.

"Blake he went home-."

"Because he's an asshole who doesn't give a shit" I snap, looking up at Riley. Elliot had finally found Bella passed out on the ground of her bedroom as a result of a panic attack. He stayed for about an hour but after learning that she would be okay he left claiming exhaustion. He didn't even stay to hear about the baby.

"The asshole didn't find her for a half hour. Who needs a shower that long?" I demand angrily. "And why did she have a panic attack?" I question. The last attack I could remember her having was when she found out about her parent's divorce.

"I don't know but getting upset won't change anything" she adds seriously.

I sigh, nodding my head. I knew it wouldn't change anything but it was making me feel better in the meantime.

"B?" Bella whispers.

Riley smiles, squeezing my shoulder. "I'll be out in the hall with Lucas" she murmurs beforr walking out of the room and leaving us alone.

"Hey buttercup" I mutter as I scoot closer to the bed. "How're you doing?"

"My head hurts" she complains. "What happened?" she asks softly.

I squeeze her hand and take a deep breath, preparing the words before I have to say them. "Bells you lost the baby" I whisper and her eyes widen as she shakes her head.

"No" she murmurs, placing her hand over her stomach. "No, no, no."

"Sweetheart I'm so sorry. There was no air getting to your own brain and-and-."

She begins to cry and I feel awful having to be the one to tell her this but I felt like it had to be me. Hell, Elliot didn't even know. "This is all his fault" she whispers. "He told me we were getting married before we went back to school and I-I lost it. I had a panic attack."

"Bells relax buttercup" I whisper. "Just breathe okay?"

She takes a deep breath and nods her head and I smile. "Good girl."

She chuckles and squeezes my hand. "What are you doing here B?"

"I'm always here" I reply simply and a smile tugs at her lips as she nods in agreement.

"You really are" she confirms happily. A comfortable silence falls around us while we stare at one another far too long before she interrupts. "Blake I think I'm in love with you" she admits and my eyes widen in shock making her giggle.


"No" she pouts. "Don't call me that."

"Sorry" I apologize. "But Bells you've been through a lot-."

"And? B you're the man sitting at my bedside right now. I lost a baby with a man who doesn't even care enough to be here to break the news to me."

"He doesn't know. They said you'd be fine and he said he'd be back in the morning."

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