6. Dinner

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Riley's POV

"What? When did this happen?" I ask confusedly. I had just seen her this morning and she wasn't engaged.

"Elliot took me out into the city and he just-he just asked and I said yes" she smiles but I can see the pain behind her smile. This isn't what she wants; the question is why would she say yes if she doesn't actually want to be with him.

"That's great Bella" Lucas interjects, attempting to offer kind words to the couple.

"Thanks dad. What are you doing here though?"

"Oh uh" I stutter. "I invited him for dinner" I lie.

"Why?" she questions, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Because he is your father and I'm a grown woman who can invite him over" I explain snippily. "And besides now we can celebrate your engagement" I add, attempting to put a positive spin on this ridiculous situation.

"That would be lovely" Elliot smiles.

"It would" I nod. "And Blake you should stay as well."

"Mrs. F-."

"I wouldn't argue with her" Lucas says making me chuckle. "I'll grill us up some steak. You still have it in the freezer right?" Lucas asks, brushing past me and heading into the kitchen.

"Lucas" I laugh, following after him.

~ 💔 ~

"Unbelievable" I mutter under my breath as I watch my mom follow after my dad. I was happy that they were getting along again but it blew my mind how easily she seemed to forgive him.

Elliot's phone begins to ring and he excuses himself from the room leaving me alone with Blake. "Engaged huh? I thought when you sent me that Snapchat you were fucking with me."

"B please do not start."

"I'm not starting anything" he replies defensively. "I'm just confused as to why you seem to hate the guy and nw you're marrying him."

"I don't hate him and besides how would you know?"

"Um we've been friends since we were babies. I can read your face like an open book. What is going on Bells?"

"Nothing. Just don't worry about it."

"Worry about what? Bells come on, you're my best friend you can trust me."

"There is nothing to tell" I snap. "Just drop it Blake."

"Yea? Alright fine. Who is he on the phone with?"

"I don't know" she shrugs. "A person."

"A girl?"


"He's cheating on you isn't he?"

I sigh, taking his hand and pullimg him out onto the porch. I slam the door shit behind us and cross my arms over my chest. "You're my best friend right?"

"Of course" he nods.

"Great" I smile. "Then drop this."

"Drop it? Bella you're marrying a guy who could care less about you! How can I drop that?"

"Because as your best friend I am begging you to."

He stares at me, looking between my eyes, trying to find answers behind  them. "Bells what is going on?"

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