13. Love

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Lucas' POV

"Did you ever find out why you miscarried?" I ask Riley while we're sitting around the hospital room waiting for Bella to finish up her discharge papers.

With Bella suffering a miscarriage it had got me thinking more about what Riley had revealed to me only a few days ago.

Riley glances over at me and nods. "Hormone imbalance" she explains. "The same problem we'd had before."

I nod. Getting pregnant and carrying Bella to term was a miracle we didn't even realize was happening at the time. About a month after Bella's second birthday we had begun trying again and had been successful in conceiving once but after we miscarried we stopped trying. We figured safe sex was the perfect way to prevent another pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage.

"I still can't believe I missed a pill and put us back in that position again" she whispers, shaking her head. "Why do you ask?" she then adds as she looks towards me.

I smile. "I don't know" I shrug. "I kinda like the thought of having a baby around again."

She leans forward and pecks my lips before pulling back and resting her forehead against mine. "I wish we could have another baby Luke but-."

"We could go see a fertility specialist...if you want" I add, biting my lip.

She leans back in to kiss me, smiling against my lips. "Let's make sure Bella is okay first. Then" she shrugs. "We'll talk."

My lips quirk into a grin as I catch her lips once again in a passionate kiss.

~ 💔 ~

Bella's POV

"You're all set Ms. Friar" the nurse smiles at me.

"Thank you" I reply, leaning against Blake. I was exhausted and at this point I was sure he was the only thing keeping me upright.

"You ready to head home?" he asks softly, kissing just below my ear and I nod.

We had waited an hour for my dear fiancé to show up and when he didn't make an appearance we decided that I had been here long enough and we were leaving.

We head back to the room where my parents are currently attached at the mouth and squeeze my eyes shut. "Ew guys really? Do that in the comfort of your bedroom. Please"  I beg. My dad laughs and assures me 'I'm safe' to open my eyes.

"You ready to head out princess?" my mom asks, standing up and walking towards me.

"I just wanna lie in my bed and sleep for days" I reply honestly.

I had been up all night with cramps that the doctor assured me were completely normal and that they should subside completely in the next day or two.

"Well let's go then" Blake replies, squeezing my hip and leaning down to kiss my cheek. I blush and the three of us begin to head out of the room and towards the main sliding doors at the hospital's entrance.

As soon as they slide open I come face to face with Elliot.

Blake's grip on my waist tightens and my dad takes a step towards me. The men in my life really were overprotective.

"What the hell is going on here?" Elliot demands. "Why do you have your arm around my fiancée?" he asks Blake angrily. I simply roll my eyes as I step forward, sliding the ring off my finger.

"I'm not your anything anymore" I reply firmly, holding out the ring. "I never want to see you again Elliot."

My bold declaration seems to have taken him by surprise as it takes him a moment to collect his thoughts before he comes to his senses.

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