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Once upon a time there were a girl and a boy. The city girl fell into the cowboy's life and there was no turning back afterwards.

The two fell in love, married, had a daughter and grew apart, only they hadn't really. They pulled apart from each other instead of leaning on one another and after a harsh dose of reality they found themselves coming back together better than before.

Life passes by without you even really noticing until one day you're sitting around your kitchen waiting for your daughter to come home from her first year of college.

~ 💔 ~

4 Months Later

Riley's POV

Four months didn't really seem all that long when Bella left to finish her first semester but now that the day had come for her to return home I was more than ready to have her back...that is for a few days.

Blake had come to us a few days ago and told us that he was asking Bella to move in with him. Whether she would agree or not was her decision but we were supportive of the idea and thrilled that at least this time around we liked her boyfriend.

"I hope she gets here soon. I'd like to have some breakfast" I complain as I lean against the counter across from Lucas.

"You could have a pop-tart or something" he suggests. I shoot him a glare that makes him lean back and throw his hands up in surrender while Blake's voice filters into the room.

"She's here, it's rea-. Wait nope it's not her" Blake shouts from the living room where he was no doubt glued to the window. I share a laugh with Lucas and shake my head in amusement.

Since Blake got here at seven a.m. he had been sure that Bella was home at least a hundred times. Every single car that passed had her inside. It was a bit annoying but we both knew how much he missed Bella so we let him be.

"He's not excited at all" Lucas laughs as he lifts his coffee mug to his lips. I try to ignore the jealousy that rises within me as he drinks the caffeinated beverage. At nearly five months pregnant caffeine was out of the question.

"Not at all" I agree amusedly before shouting into the living room. "Blake honey why don't you come join us for a b-."

"It's her" he shouts making me roll me eyes; he was becoming worse than the boy who cried wolf.

Suddenly the door is heard being thrown open and my heart flips in my chest as I flick my gaze up to meet Lucas'.

"She's really here!" I exclaim as I hop up and rush towards the door with Lucas in tow. When we make it outside Bella is pinned up against her car door attached at the lips to Blake.

I chuckle as Lucas brushes past me. "Alright enough" Lucas instructs causing them to pull apart rather reluctantly.

Bella blushes as they pull apart and looks up at us lovingly. "Hey mom and dad" she greets us breathlessly.

"Hi princess" Lucas replies as he pulls her in for a hug. "How were finals?"

"Ugh" she groans. "They were horrible" she complains as they pull apart. She looks towards me and her smile widens. "How are you?" she asks expectantly as if she didn't make me send her updates on the baby every week.

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