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Hoseok felt like crying. He knew he was a fragile person but he tried not to let it show. However, there was no one around to see his tears and so he let it all out while cuddling up with a soft blanket on his bed.

He had come home, nearly slamming the door behind himself only to stomp into his bedroom and rip the clothes he had worn to the party off. Yoongi was right, he looked absolutely ridiculous. He knew that before he walked into Jimin's - before he had even left his own home.

He chose a soft, faded pink sweater he had laying in his draw, throwing it on while the anger in his chest shifted to hurt. He picked some smooth shorts off from his floor, putting them on with a small sniff. He threw himself onto his bed, pulling his legs up until he was more or less in a ball.

He stayed like that for a long while, letting his tears leak out slowly, tasting the salt on his lips and sniffling every once in awhile. He didn't bother to brush the tears away, choosing instead to watch them drip down his nose and onto the blankets on his bed. Hoseok knew he couldn't let himself wallow in his self pity for too long but for one night, it would be ok. he could get up the next day and pretend like nothing happened but right now, he just needed to feel weak.

Closing his burning eyes, Hoseok tried to drift off into some kind of sleep. It would help his aching temple and perhaps in his dreams he could escape his crushing reality.

Before Hoseok could fully fall to sleep there was a loud noise that jolted him awake. It sounded like someon knocking on his door. Hoseok didn't feel like having any company and so ignored the knocking, choosing to curl up tighter with his blanket and pillows and have another good cry. He hadn't cried in so long before now and while it was ridiculous to cry over some stranger's opinion of him, he couldn't find it within himself to care.

The knocking didn't cease, it only continued but harder. Whoever was pounding on his door, it seemed as if they were going to break it down. Hoseok grew tired of the noise, pulling himself from his warm, soft haven. Wiping his face he walked down the hallway and to his door, not even bothering to check the peephole. He knew it was Jimin or Jin coming after him to ask why he had left. The more he thought of it, the more he was certain Jin was standing on the other side of the door. The man looked after Hoseok and the others as if he was a mother to the group.

"Go away, Jin!" he shouted, sliding down the door and to the cold floor below.

The knocking stopped for a moment only to resume.

Hoseok groaned, "Jin, go away! I don't want to talk to you!"

The knocking stopped. Hoseok let out a tired sigh, about to pick himself up off the floor. There was a bump against the door as if someone had kicked the bottom. It was followed by a small hiss of pain and low muttering.

Having enough and not caring if his friend saw his tear streaked cheeks and red rimmed eyes Hoseok hauled himself off of his cold floor, pulling his door open. His mouth was open, ready to hurl some kind of retort at Jin for nearly breaking down his door but all of the words in his head disappeared and the curse he was ready to hurl out died on his tongue. Nothing but dread and panic curled in the pit of his stomach as he saw who was standing outside of his apartment.


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