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Hoseok had gone down the hallway Jimin had suggested. It seemed pretty simple. Dark grey walls, mostly locked doors every few yards down from one another and a half torn carpet beneath his feet. He thought he had been on his own and was just about to turn back when he heard someone.

"What's your name cutie?" a bassy voice called to Hoseok. The man stopped his wandering to look over his shoulder. His eyes widened at the man he saw.

He was taller than Hosoek with brown hair that was pushed back and to the right of his face. It was too long, though, and left the tips falling down into his eyes. His doe eyes were almost black but Hoseok could make out a tinge of brown in them. His outfit was sexy and revealed just a glimpse of his chest. The dark red, satin cloth hung down just above his pectorals

"Umm..." he stutted, "H-Hoseok,"

"Pretty name," the man advanced, "What are you doing in the back of a club all alone, Hosoek?"

Hoseok didn't know why he felt intimidated but he did. This man was severely hot. Taehyung's words echoed in his head, "making out with someone you don't know could be very therapeutic," it was a silly thought but as this man drew closer it seemed to be more and more plausible. It was like being handed an opportunity. He had already missed out on one, why miss out on another?

"I - I was just looking around..." Hoseok back connected with a wall. He hadn't even been aware he had ben walked backwards until he thudded into the cold wall.

The man tsk-ed, "Someone as pretty as you shouldn't be all by themselves," he stopped right in front of Hoseok, bring an arm up to prop it next to Hosoek's head. He leaned in not kissing but brushing their noses together in a teasing fashion.

Hoseok fought to not let his eyes droop shut. He brought his own hands up to rest on the mystery man's chest. It was his last barrier before they would be flush together.

"I do-don't know your name," He stuttered out. He gulped, looking down, a pink flush rapidly spreading on his cheeks.

The man chuckled and shifted to where the two of them were closer. He didn't seem to mind the small amount of pressure Hoseok applied to his chest as if to push him away slightly. He didn't budge, instead pulling his other arm up to cage Hosoek. He leaned his head forward, his lips coming to Hoseok's ear, "Jungkook," he was all too aware of how the man was wriggling slightly beneath him. It made him want to laugh. He settled for a quiet grin instead, brushing his lips on the shell of Hoseok's ear. It earned him a high pitched squeak.

"Nice to meet you," Hosoek breathed out.

Another dark chuckle, "Nice to meet you, too, baby." He let his teeth graze Hoseok's neck before pulling back slightly to see the other man's face," Would you like to have some fun, Hoseok? It seems a shame to leave someone like you all alone."

"Umm..." Hoseok wriggled a bit uncomfortably. Could he really do this? "I don - don't know...."

"How about we find out them, hm?" Jungkook was back to learning forward, his nose brushing the small hairs on the side of Hoseok's head. His breath hitched when he felt Jungkook nuzzled the side of his throat before giving it a small lick and then a suck. He knew it wasn't enough to bruise but it was enough to leave a bright red mark standing starkly against his pale skin. He let out a shaky breath, his fingers coming up to tangle into Jungkook's dark brown hair.

Jungkook raised his head back up, shooting Hosoek a perfect smile before leaning in and brushing their lips together. Letting his hands slip bown, he snaked them around Hoseok's waist, pulling the two men flush against each other. Their lips meshed together, Jungkook easily leading the kiss.

It didn't feel right, though. Hoseok didn't know what it was about it but kissing this stranger in a half lit hallway of some sleazy bar was not how he imagined himself. He had wanted more. There was nothing but emptiness in these kisses. There was merely lust - no love, no affection, no promise.


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