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Hosoek dragged himself back into his bedroom to get his clothes and throw them into a duffle bag. Jimin had called Jin over to help clean up Hoseok's apartment while Hoseok was going to go with Yoongi and get settled. Jin had, of course, dragged Namjoon along but had immediately told him to sit down so he wouldn't break anything. After that, Namjoon had volunteered to go get them all food to which Jin vehemently agreed. Hoseok was so happy to have such amazing friends. What did he do to deserve them?

Jimin and Hoseok had agreed that they would go to the police station in a few hours and Yoongi had demanded that he come also. Hoseok had wanted to know why but Yoongi had been quite tight lipped, saying he could drive as he was the only one with a car. Hoseok and Jimin both knew that wasn't true - Jin also had a car but they let it go. Hoseok was just happy Yoongi was willing to help.

Yongi stood at the doorframe, watching quietly with intense eyes as he watched Hoseok throw his clothes, phone charger and earbuds into his bag. He padded into his bathroom and got a few of his toiletries as well. Taking one last look around his bedroom and saying goodbye to the comfort of his own home in his mind, he nodded to Yoongi.

"I'm ready I guess," he mumbled.

Yoongi noticed how his eyes dropped to the floor and his heart truly went out to the younger.

"It'll be ok, Hoseok."

Hoseok nodded, not looking up but shuffling out of his room and down the hall. Yoongi followed him, watching as he hugged Jimin and Jin tightly. They both said quick goodbyes and said they would come get him when Namjoon returned with the food.

Yoongi took ahold of Hosoek's hand. The action made Hoseok smile. Yoongi had never held his hand before and he quite liked the solid and firm feeling it gave and how his hand fit so well into Yoongi's. The elder led him down the hall and to his own apartment. Hoseok realized at that point that he'd never actually seen Yoongi's apartment except from the brief glace he had gotten when he had given the older cookies.

Yoongi apartment wasn't much different from his own. It was perhaps a bit bearer, and less couches - Yoongi only had one couch and one chair in the living room - and there weren't nearly as many pictures on his walls or in frames but it had a lived in feel. The curtains were thick and dark, blocking out the sun almost entirely. There was a large screen TV mounted on the wall. It looked brand new and was far nicer than the small TV Hoseok and Jimin watched dramas on in Hoseok's apartment. Under the TV there was a dog bed and a small furry creature curled up in a deep sleep.

"This is Holly," Yoongi pointed to a dog curled up on the floor near the TV, snoozing away the day.

The dog didn't come over to Hosoek but when its eyes landed on its owner, the dog immediately bounded over and started yapping in a happy way. Yoongi chuckled and cooed at the little brown dog, bending over and petting the soft fur before standing up straight.

Yoongi then led Hoseok to the master bedroom. It was very dark inside. There were blackout curtains over the windows and the room had a darker colored theme as well. It was most reds and some blacks and browns. Hoseok thought it suited the older well. There was a queen size bed pushed up against the wall - it was a bit bigger than Hoseok's. The black comforter on top was ruffled and wrinkled a bit, showing the bed had either been sat on or slept on without the person being under the covers.

The walls were a creamy brown color and there were hardwood floors throughout. Holly came trotting in behind the two and jumped up on the bed, curling into a ball at the first chance. Hoseok assumed Holly must have been the one to mess up the comforter.

"This is where you'll be staying," he grabbed Hoseok's bag and put it on top of his chest of drawers.

"Take the bed and I'll sleep on the couch."

"No, I'm already putting you out by staying with you, I'm not taking your bed."

"Yes," Yoongi replied adamantly, "you are and we're not going to discuss this any longer."

Hoseok's shoulder dropped and he hung his head. He didn't deserve such kindness. Yoongi noticed, thinking for a moment If he should pull the other in for a hug. Sighing he rolled his eyes, reaching out and roughly pulling Hosoek to his chest. The action startled the younger, making him drop hi bag on the floor with a dull thud. Arms enveloped him, however and held him tightly, tucking his head under Yoongi's chin.

"If you have such a problem with it, we can both sleep on the bed." Yoongi murmured into Hoseok's ear.

Hoseok gave the older a wan smile and nodded as he pulled back slightly. Yoongi's arms were still wrapped protectively around the small of his back. Holly yipped happily behind them. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. He had Yoongi with him after all.


I'm gonna be gone for a few days. Please comment! It really helps me to keep writing and I love to hear from you guys :)

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