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Hoseok splashed cold water on his face. He needed to get out of such a negative frame of mind. But his ex - he was such a horrible man. Hosoek didn't know how he had fallen for him in the first place. Sighing, Hoseok tried to talk himself into a more positive mind frame. It was usually so easy for him but tonight had taken such a terrible turn. Looking up into the mirror and drying his face on a paper towel, he noticed movement behind him.

"Hey Hoseokie," rough hands found their way around his waist, pulling him back against someone's chest.

Hoseok ripped himself away, nothing but dread filling his stomach. The little portion of his meal he had eaten so far seemed like it might come back up. This was a bad position to be in. Hoseok was being body blocked by his ex boyfriend. The man's name was Jiyong and Hoseok knew he was not one to mess with. His muscular build wasn't just for show - Hoseok had found that out the hard way many times.

It had started out sweetly. Jiyong would pick him up and twirl him around or tackle him into the covers as they both got ready for bed. Then things had taken a bad turn. Jiyong had started by slapping Hoseok one day. He had been drunk and gotten angry with Hoseok. Afterwards, he had apologized profusely. Hoseok had let it go. He wasn't one to keep a grudge. But then it happened again. Jiyong was drunk again but instead of slapping Hoseok he had pinned him to the wall and bruised his jaw. Again, he apologized and promised he would never get drunk again. That hadn't happened. He kept getting drunk and kept hurting Hoseok.

Later, Hoseok had found out Jiyong had been cheating on him. It had been an almost fatal mistake to confront Jiyong on it but Hoseok had. He had been beaten terribly by his boyfriend but this time, Jiyong wasn't drunk - he was just angry. Jimin had found him lying bruised, bloodied and unconscious on his floor with the door thrown open. After that, Hoseok had moved in with Jin. The older had absolutely refused to let Hoseok go back. He and Taehyung had been the ones to go and fetch his things while Jiyong was away at work.

Hoseok was lucky Jiyong didn't know where Jimin lived. Hoseok had found an apartment a floor below his best friend and had moved out of Jin's. Jin had let him, feeling safe in the knowledge that he would at least have Jimin looking over him. Jiyong had tried to call and text Hoseok, begging for them to get back together - threatening him time after time that if he didn't return, Jiyong would find and hurt him. Hoseok ha been scared to death but in the end took Taehyung's advice and ignored his former boyfriend. A few months later, the threats, calls and texts stopped and Hoseok had started to live his life again.

And now here he was, in the bathroom of some Italian restaurant, cornered by his crazy ex boyfriend. His palms sweated and he thought briefly to rub them on something but didn't. he balled his hands into fists. he tried not to shake but he knew he was. he probably looked ridiculous but he couldn't find it within himself to care. He was beyond frightened.

"I told you I'd find you, didn't I?" Jiyong smiled at Hoseok. Hoseok didn't like that smile. It looked so full of love and briefly reminded him of how happy he had once been with this man. But that didn't fix the damage done. That smile was a lie and Hoseok knew it. It was simply covering up the disturbing truth.

"Leave me alone," Hoseok hated how his voice wavered when he spoke.

Jiyong frowned, "No." he stepped in closer, giving Hoseok even less room. The action made Hosek feel claustrophobic. Normally he didn't mind small places but when barely given any room from a man he was deathly afraid of, he couldn't help but feel his hair wisping away. It seemed harder to breathe, oxygen not reaching his lungs as he was backed up against a wall.

"You're mine, Hoseok. Remember me telling you that time and time again?" he brushed some stray hairs out of Hosek's face.

"Please, leave me be," Hoseok whimpered when he was forcefully pulled forward and then slammed backwards, his head connecting solidly with the wall behind him. Stars danced in his vision along with tears.

"You left me, Hobi," Jiyong's grip was bruising on Hoseok's arms, "Why did you leave?"

"You were beating me," A tear ran down Hoseok's face. He sniffed slightly, trying to keep the others at bay. He didn't know what Jiyong would do to him if he didn't keep himself composed.

"I loved you." he growled, "You didn't appreciate it, you little bitch!" he slapped Hoseok in the face before returning his hand to grip Hoseok's arm. His face stung from the strike, a red spot quickly appearing on his pale cheek.

Hoseok's knees gave out. He was barely being held in place by the angry man in front of him. He felt Jiyong's knee force its way between his own legs to further hold up his slumping body. He moved forward even more, their chest lightly brushing against each other, a whisper of fabric against fabric. Hosoek couldn't stop trembling, his eyes squeezing shut in fear.

"Whos' that guy you're with?"


"No one," Hoseok whimpered as Jiyong's grip tightened impossibly more.

He leaned forward, lips connecting with Hosoek's ear as he lowered his voice, "Who is he?"

The door to the bathroom opened and a man stepped in. He immediately saw Hosoek and Jiyong against the wall. He paused, the door still half open. Hoseok let more tears fall, hoping against hope that the man might take the hint and go find someone to help him. The man backed out, letting the door fall back shut. Obviously the sight had spooked him.

Jiyong growled in annoyance, stepping back from Hosoek and letting him go. Hoseok immediately fell to the floor, his hands barely coming up in time to break his fall.

"Looks like our time is up. I'll be seeing you around, Hobi. Don't forget," He crouched down beside the trembling mess that was Hoseok, fingers tangling in his hair and ripping his head back. Hoseok let out a strangled cry, shutting his eyes tightly and wishing Jiyong to be gone. Jiyong gently kissed away Hoseok's tears - that loving façade of a smile back on his face, "You're mine and I'm going to get you back."


Ok, so I had to update one more time. This seemed like the perfect cliffhanger to leave everyone with while i'm gone. Be back in a few days!

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