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It had been a terrible day. Yoongi had come home in a fiery rage, slamming his door closed and startling his dog. he knew he shouldn't have done anything but as he stomped around his apartment his eyes landed on a liquor bottle on his countertop. A friend had left it there for "safe keeping" knowing Yoongi wasn't one to drink all that much due to his low alcohol tolerance. Yoongi stood there in the middle of the room, simply staring at the bottle of dark brown liquid, working his jaw and curling and uncurling his hands. He shook his head.

"To hell with it," he muttered to himself. His friend could suck it up - Yoongi needed a stress reliever and this was basically an opportunity being handed to him.

After his first shot, it dawned on Yoongi that Hoseok was living with him and might be home in a few hours. He immediately felt guilt but one more look at the bottle in front of him had him downing a second shot. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he realized he ought to be more responsible but it was such a hazy thought, being clouded over by Yoongi's third shot. He had no idea what he was drinking and it tasted terrible but drink by drink he felt all his tensions and anger slipping away. As the alcohol burned his throat, leaving him coughing, his troubles became merely a whisp of some vague idea Yoongi couldn't hold onto or even chase after.

Long after he finished the bottle, he heard the door open and close, footsteps clicking through the house and Hosoek entered. he heard that high voice call out his name before the shuffle of shoes stopped. It started again and Hoseok's face came into Yoongi's line of view.

Hosoek's eyes landed on the empty bottle. He could have sworn it had been on the counter earlier and now it was in front of Yoongi, "Yoongi, have you been drinking?" he remembered it being unopened when he left for the studio.

Yoongi hummed, eyes dim and glazed over, "Bad day at work," he mumbled.

Hosoek huffed as he dropped his jacket into the seat beside Yoongi, "You know you can't hold your liquor."

Yoongi met Hoseok's eyes, a small grin splitting his face, "Come here," he made grabby hands at the other. The action made Hoseok smile back but he knew better. He walked to Yoongi and got a good grip on his arm and pulled slightly.

"Come on, hyung, let's get you to bed."

"I don't want to go to bed."

"You need to."

"No," he drew the word out and giggled, "I want to stay here and spend time and play with my boyfriend."

That word made Hoseok stop his struggle to get his hyung to stand. He had called Hoseok his boyfriend. Yoongi had always been very careful about that word. He never called Hoseok his boyfriend. He always called him a friend or the guy he was currently dating. He never labelled their relationship as boyfriends and even though he was drunk, hearing that word made Hoseok's heart soar.


Yoongi giggled and wrapped his arms firmly around Hoseok's waist, nuzzling his head into the side of his stomach, "Yup. You're my pretty boyfriend." he looked up with an angry pout on his face, "Only mine,"

Hoseok didn't like it when Yoongi drank, it gave him a twinge of a reminder of his ex and how he was when he drank excessively. However, it seemed that Yoongi was a completely different kind of drunk. Jiyong would get angry and hurt Hoseok when he was drunk. Yoongi seemed to let his emotions out more, seemingly more loving and touchy.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt his shirt being pulled up and soft, warm lips leaving open mouthed kisses across his stomach. He immediately pulled away and lowered his shirt, "Yoongi, stop that!" Hoseok was very self conscious of his body. Despite being a dancer he always felt he needed a more toned body - more like Jimin's with the six pack abs and defined muscles. He wasn't going to just show his body unless he needed to - to him, it was ugly. His stomach wasn't flat enough. A part of him still believed that's why Jiyong had cheated on him.

Yoongi only giggled in reply, "But I like Hobi's tummy." Something in Hoseok ached. Yoongi liked his belly?

Yoongi's eyes wandered back to the bottle of alcohol, lifting the empty bottle to thoroughly inspect that there was indeed no more liquor. He shot Hosoek a pout before setting the bottle back down and leaning back in his chair, "Aww, I wanted more." he giggled again, making grabby hands once more, "Maybe I can have some more of you?"

As much as Hosoek would have loved to do something, he resisted the urge. Yoongi was drunk and he wouldn't do anything while he was drunk. He settled a grip on Yoongi's bicep, pulling upwards again, stumbling slightly when Yoongi launched out of his chair.

"Would you dance for me, baby?" Yoongi made it his mission to latch himself onto Hoseok. His arms wrapped around him, puling him tight against his chest to where he could barely move.

"Dance for you?" Hoseok choked on a laugh, "What do you mean dance for you?"

"I want to see my Hobi dance." Yoongi gave Hoseok the cutest pout he'd ever seen in his life. He felt himself melting.

"How about Hobi dances for you when you're sober?" Hoseok chuckled, trying to pull himself out of the tangle of limbs.

Yoongi let out a small whine. Hoseok rolled his eyes at the childish action but in all reality he enjoyed it. Seeing Yoongi like this was making some of his own worries melt away. It felt good to be wanted again.

"How about we cuddle?" Hoseok suggested.

Yoongi seemed to think about it for a moment before stumbling over to the couch and literally flinging himself down into the cushions. The grabby hands were back, beckoning Hoseok to follow him in his quest for comfort. Hoseok joined his boyfriend on the couch, making sure he was cuddling the older. Until now, it had always been Yoongi cuddling Hoseok, making him feel safe and warm and Hoseok thought it was about time he returned the favor. Yoongi didn't seem to mind, crawling into Hoseok's arms and between his legs to slump down on his chest. He buried his head in the crook of Hoseok's neck, breathing deeply. Not a minute later he was completely out, regular breaths puffing onto Hoseok's skin as his hands curled into Hoseok's shirt.

Even though Yoongi was drunk, Hoseok couldn't find it in him to care. They say when you're drunk your true intentions show more clearly and even though Yoongi was quite the tease and perhaps even a bit childish, it showed he wanted Hoseok.


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