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What can I say? I'm sorry

also, this chapter was supposed to come before the last one you read so I've reorganized it to where it actually makes sense. Sorry about that!


All Hoseok could do was watch in horror as Yoongi was grabbed and beaten. He had tried to fight back, swinging the knife in his hand in an attempt to protect himself but it did little good. He felt triumphant for only a moment when he heard a hiss of pain coming from one of the masked men as his knife sliced through the thin material of his shirt. Seconds after, he was hit from behind and his knife take from him.

Yoongi had had a rough childhood. He had been bullied and beaten up a few times but he had never experienced pain like this. This was blinding pain - all consuming and terrifying. He couldn't help but scream when he felt the same knife he had used to defend himself pierce through the skin and muscle of his thigh.

He was continually beaten and hit. All he could do was curl into a ball and cover his head, praying that they would stop soon. He never thought playing there hero would land him here. What should he have expected, though? He looked up through the cracks in his fingers as he covered his face and head to see Hoseok struggling with all his might to get free. There were two men holding him back, having a very difficult time as he kicked wildly.

All of the blows melted together into one large dose of pure pain. Yoongi couldn't feel the new blows anymore, only the dull aching of his body and the burn from where he had been stabbed multiple times in his leg. By the time Jiyong had commanded the men to stop their barrage, Yoongi was long since unconscious.

Hoseok had somehow wriggled his way out to the masked men's grasp. He pulled away, flinging himself down onto the floor beside Yoongi, rolling him over on his side to assess the damage. His eyes fogged over immediately at the sight before him. Yoongi's face was bloodied and bruised - unrecognizable from the striking features he sported before hand. There was n telling how hurt the rest of his body was.

"Yoongi!" Hoseok screamed his throat raw, begging with all his might and hoping with all that was in him that Yoongi would be ok. He just wanted him to open his eyes. He wanted him to snap at him and tell him how stupid he was and how annoyed he was. He wanted him to sit on the opposite end of the couch and cuddle with Holly because he was angry at him. He wanted his face to break into that damned gummy smile he had that melted ever fiber of his being with love and adoration. He wanted Yoongi to be ok.

But Yoongi wasn't ok. The blood slowly seeping into the floorboards of Jimin's apartment was a confirmation of that fact.

Everything faded away for Hoseok. He felt rough hands on his arms and shoulders, pulling him back - pulling him away from Yoongi. He screamed, shouted and kicked. He would do anything to get back to the limp form of his boyfriend.

A harsh hand gripped his chin and his face was tugged harshly upward up until his eyes came to focus on Jiyong's.

"Now you have no reason to leave me." he hissed.

Hoseok tried to scramble away from the touch, fresh, hot tears pouring over the rims of his eyes.

"Let me go," he begged. He was promptly dropped to the floor. Before he could crawl away, new hands grabbed onto him, lifting him up once again. He recognized Jiyong's embrace as he was tugged to his ex's chest. He pushed on the other man with all of his might but it did nothing. Jiyong slipped his fingers into Hoseok's hair, tugging hard on the locks to yank Hosoek's head back to where he had a clear view of his face.

"Tell me you love me." He demanded.

Hoseok couldn't stop crying, "No," he whimpered. The wind was knocked out of him as a knee came into contact with his stomach. He coughed, clawing desperately at the hand still tangled in his hair. He squeezed his eyes shut.

He could feel Jiyong leaning in, his breath fanning hot across the shell of his ear, "Tell me you love me or your little bitch dies."

Hoseok opened his eyes at that, cutting them over to Yoongi's limp form still bleeding out onto the floor. He broke down into more whimpers and cries, choking out a strangled, "I love you..."

There was a commotion in the hallway, shouting voices that pulled Jiyong away from Hosoek. he fell to the floor in a fit of tears. he crawled over to the body of his boyfriend, slipping his hands under him and holding him close. Jiyong and his men started scrambling around the room, cursing and shouting.

Hosoek didn't care about the sounds of voices. he faintly heard someone yelling for everyone in the room to get down on their bellies but he didn't care. He cradled Yoongi's broken form to himself, tears streaking down his face as he rocked back and forth. Through the sickening smell of blood he could barely make out Yoongi's own natural scent. It held him there like an anchor.

Men in uniforms came to take Yoongi away but Hosoek didn't want them to. He lashed out until he, too, was carried away, a sniveling ball of helplessness and he screamed for Yoongi to be brought back. A nice lady with a warm smile tried to calm him down, offering him water and a blanket for "shock" or something like that. Hosoek accepted, taking greedy gulps of air as he tried to work himself through whatever was going on. He faintly heard a man in a white uniform muttering something about him having a panic attack.

The next thing Hosoek knew, he found himself in a hospital, sitting next to Yoongi's bed as nurses and doctors ran in and out of the room. A policeman was standing beside him, stoic but Hoseok could tell there was a melancholy air about him.

"We do want to thank you for calling us. This man's name isn't Kim Jiyong, it's Park Jiyong and he's one of the most wanted gangsters in Seoul right now." The officer said. He shook Hosoek hand and left the room. There was silence, only filled by the loud beeping of Yoongi's heart monitor and the whirling of the life support machine.

Jimin finally broke the heavy silence, "Damn, Hoseok hyung, you were dating a gangster..."

"Jimin, this is all my fault..." Hoseok cried as he looked down at Yoongi's sleeping form on the hospital bed.

Jimin's face dropped and he wrapped his arms around his friend's shoulders, drawing him close for a hug, "No it's not, hyung. Yoongi chose. And he should have. Boyfriends should protect their boyfriends."

"I should have protected him. I knew staying with him was a mistake and now here he is. I've almost killed him, Jimin." Jimin could feel Hosoek's body wracking with sobs as he tried to control his breathing. he pulled away and took in a shuddering breath, "What if he dies?"

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