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As Hoseok was getting ready, Yoongi took the liberty of getting together a few items for their date. He wanted it to be the best date Hosoek had ever had before. He was determined to make it special. He threw a rarely used blanket into his backpack, along with some food items he had around the house. He thought about bringing a bottle of wine but promptly after decided against it. He was too easily intoxicated and he wanted this night to be amazing - not him slurring his words and messing everything up.

Hoseok came trotting back out of the room, a smile on his face as he fidgeted nervously with the zipper of his jacket. Yoongi couldn't see what he had on under the black, leather jacket but he could see that Hoseok had chose some stylist ripped jeans. They seemed pretty faded but the lightness seemed to go well with Hoseok's energy.

"Where are we going?" Hoseok asked, still messing with the silver zipper of his jacket.

The other smiled, "Our dinner date was kind of ruined last time so I want to take you out to a nice sit down restaurant."

Yoongi saw a flicker of guilt shine in Hoseok's eyes for one second before it vanished. He smiled shyly, clasping his hands behind his back in slight embarrassment and looking at the floor, "I'd like that..."

Yoongi frowned. Taking a step forward he let his fingers slide under the cool skin of Hoseok's chin to tilt his head up. He pecked his cheek before smiling comfortingly, "It wasn't your fault."

Hoseok frowned again, "But-"

"No," Yoongi shushed him, "It wasn't your fault. Tonight... just tonight... please, let it be us. Let the worry melt away. Trust me and let it just be us tonight, ok? No guilt, no worries - just Hoseok and Yoongi. Will you do that for me?"

Hoseok felt tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. Words couldn't describe how his heart swelled hearing those words from Yoongi. He just wanted to pop with all the love and positivity he was receiving. He didn't deserve it but here was Yoongi, ready and willing to try and make him forget if just for one night.

Hoseok flung himself at Yoongi, his arms wrapping around his tightly and pulling him close, practically melting into the older's body as he scrunched his eyes shut and all but squeezed the life out of the older. Yoongi chuckled, wrapping his own arms around the younger and holding him close. He couldn't imagine what he was going through but it made him smile to see he could effect a change in it.

"Hoseok, I need you to let go, I'm dying,"

Hoseok pulled back, a shy smile back on his face as he played with his fingers, "Sorry, hyung,"

At first, the car ride to the restaurant was very quiet. Hoseok wasn't too very sure what to talk about and Yoongi seemed quite comfortable in the amiable silence between them so he let it go. When they arrived at the restaurant, Hoseok couldn't help but smile. They were getting lamb skewers and Korean BBQ at one of his favorite places. He had a habit of rambling and he knew he had mentioned it and to know that Yoongi had actually listened to him made him melt.

The two talked comfortably over dinner. Hoseok laughed enough for both of them, pleased with himself whenever he made Yoongi truly grin.

Hosoke giggled again despite how much his stomach hurt from laughing as he noticed Yoongi had accidently speared sweet and spicy sauce across the corner of his lips.

He pointed to his own cheek, still giggling, "You have something on your face, hyung..."

Yoongi frowned, lifting his napkin up and wiping at his face. Hoseok burst out into loud laughter as the older missed the spot completely. Leaning forward and over their shared table, careful not to get anything on his shirt or jacket, he kissed the sauce off, licking a bit and grinning shyly as he leaned back into his seat. He was sure his cheeks were flaming red but he tried to act nonchalant about the situation, going back to his own food. Stealing a glance he saw Yoongi shocked still in his own seat. Not moving but eyes blown wide open.

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