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Jimin had already gone through the first few steps, watching with an intense gaze on his students to make sure they were copying him correctly. Yoongi seemed to be having a bit of difficulty. Jimin nudged Hoseok his way, motioning for the older to help the man before walking to the back of the class to have a better look at the other dancers.

Hoseok stepped up to Yoongi while watching him dance. he was trying to decide the best way to get him to do the move. It was a hip hop move that consisted of a few bouncing steps, a body roll, and then going down on one knee.

"You're moving your hips wrong." Hoseok said while moving in behind Yoongi. He knew his eyes were glued to the other man's back end but if anyone questioned it, he could say it was because he was observing Yoongi's technique. It definitely wasn't because he had a fine backside and Hoseok was admiring it.

"Well, genius, how do I fix that?" Yoongi's sarcastic voice brought Hoseok's eyes up to where he was looking at Yoongi's face in the reflection of the wall length mirror.

Hoseok reached out his hands until he was met with the warm feeling of Yoongi's hips. Yoongi visibly tensed but after a moment, relaxed as Hoseok started to guide him through the movements.

"Keep your upper body still, move your feet into the first position, second position, and then third...." Hoseok guided Yoongi back and forth until he was certain he had mastered the few steps. He pushed his left hand against Yoongi's hip until the older was standing with his side to Hoseok, "Now use your entire body to roll your hips."

Yoongi let out an aggravated sigh and stopped moving, "What does that even mean?" his hands dropped to his side and he yanked himself out of Hoseok's grip.

Hoseok smiled and demonstrated, lifting his hands up high and rocking himself forwards and then back, jutting his hips forward and making sure they were the main attention of his actions. This wasn't wasted on Yoongi. the older looked on with a slightly open mouth, eyes going directly to Hoseok's hips.

"Do you understand now?"

Yoongi's mouth snapped shut as he acted as if he hadn't been staring at another man's hips. He couldn't help but admire the way Hoseok had manipulated his body. Pretending not to be flustered and hiding a slight blush, Yoongi tried to copy Hoseok's movements again. He tried to watch the younger's reaction to his new tried but his eyes kept landing on that shining face.

"You need to use your hips more. Loosen up a bit." Hoseok stood beside Yoongi now, trying to do the moves with him, "Use your entire body. Don't be so tense."

"We can't all be hot dance gods like you." Yoongi muttered. He thought Hoseok hadn't heard but the giggle that followed afterwards proved him wrong.

"You'll get there." Hoseok said, moving away.

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