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Things were quiet in the days following the bathroom incident. Brendon was arriving later in the mornings to pick Dallon and Nora up, skipping their morning trips to the mall all together and making a b-line for the school. Frank said that they had decided to stop meeting in the mornings for a while, and promised that it would be back to normal soon.

Brendon didn't bring up the topic of Mikey again, and neither did Dallon, mainly because he didn't want to cause the boy he cared for any more guilt. It was painfully obvious to him that Brendon was upset, but he had no idea what he could possibly do to make things right.

And speaking of Mikey, he hadn't been at school for the last few days. Dallon knew because Nora kept asking about him, claiming that she didn't see him when she was walking home anymore and expressing her worry quietly behind their parents backs. Even she knew that it was a touchy subject.

It was one night at dinner when Dallon began to really panic. His mother was droning on and on about her patients, as she tended to do, when she mentioned a familiar name. "And that Michelle simply refuses to listen to reason." She huffed as Dallon pushed his peas around on his plate. "She refuses to believe that she's a girl, constantly talks about that brother of hers. I think I'm going to have to transfer her to the long stay unit. I'm sure her parents won't mind."

Dallon froze in his seat, his fork stiff in his unmoving hand. His mother continued to drone on and on about her workplace based issues, but her son couldn't focus on what she was saying anymore. He couldn't be certain, but Michelle was awfully similar to Michael. His throat seemed to close up as his heart sank.

"I-I have to go." He stammered, pushing himself up onto his feet with shaky legs and running out of the room, towards the front door.

"Dallon!" His mother called sharply, but Dallon ignored her, bolting out the front door and pulling his phone from his pocket as he reached the curb. He found the contact with shaky hands as he began to walk down the street, putting the phone to his ear.


"Brendon, something bad's going to happen to Mikey and I don't know what to do about it." He rushed out, his words blending together.

"Slow down, Dall." Brendon said calmly. "Where are you? I'm gonna come and get you and we'll figure it out."

"I'm walking away from my house." He answered weakly, just wanting to get away. He was so freaking worried for Mikey. It felt like his head was going to explode.

"I'm on my way. Just stay calm, alright?"


Not even a minute later the familiar black car came around the corner and stopped on the curb. Dallon walked to the car and climbed into the passenger seat, not sure what to do next. Brendon looked over at him with concerned eyes. "What's going on, Dall pal?"

The car began to move, and Dallon took a breath before attempting to explain what had happened. "M-My mum said that this person called Michelle was going to be transferred to a fa-cility and I think that it's Mikey." He couldn't explain what he was experiencing. The world felt like it was going to end, and that it was all his fault.

"What facility?" Brendon questioned, glancing at the boy and then returning his gaze to the road.

"I-It's a conversion facility but worse." Dallon stammered, his words blending together again. "It's w-worse though. It's like...It's like they can do anything to try and change them. I- I think they use shock th-erapy or something." He couldn't breathe. He was too full of anger and nerves and everything inbetween. His eyes were tear filled and glassy.

Brendon noticed the ridged breathing and panicked expression on his face and pulled over to the side of the road, killing the engine and watching as Dallon jumped out of the car, landing on the pavement and tugging viciously at his hair as he paced back and forth.

"Dallon, it's okay." Brendon said evenly, getting out of his car and moving quickly to his side, grabbing his hands and getting his attention. "It's alright. Mikey's gonna be okay."

Dallon shook his head. "But he's not. He can't be, not if he gets sent there. Oh god, my mother's gonna kill him!" He continued to rile himself up, unable to stop the oncoming panic attack.

"No she's not." Brendon said firmly, guiding Dallon to sit down on the pavement. He sat beside him, pulling his head down to gently smooth down his hair. "It's gonna be alright Dall. I promise." Dallon clung onto Brendon's arm like his life depended on it.

Slowly, his breathing steadied and then recovered. He stayed there for a little longer, feeling Brendon beside him and holding onto his arm until it felt like the world wasn't going to end anymore. Eventually he sat up and looked to Brendon, who just gave him a soft smile. "You okay?"

He nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. Although he still felt on edge, he felt a lot better. "Thank you." He croaked, his voice unaccustomed to the sudden vocal changes.

Brendon smiled again, and the two of them got back in the car.

"Why are you so nice to me all the time?" Dallon asked, looking down at his jeans as Brendon's car drove through the quiet streets.

"Why wouldn't I be? You're a great guy, Dall." Came Brendon's simple reply.

"But my mother's the bitch that's ruining peoples lives. How can people like you and Gerard stand to be around me?" He countered.

"So? You can't pick your family. That's not on you. And I happen to like you very much, and I don't think you can do anything about that." Brendon noted, smiling at Dallon.

Silence falls between the two teenagers, leaving Dallon to think about what he says next and Brendon to drive around their small neighborhood.

"I like you too." Dallon sighed eventually.

Brendon paused, not letting his hopes raise. "As in like-like me?"

Dallon actually laughed. "What are you, seven? Yes, as in like-like you." He finally looked up from the seat, a small smile on his bright red face.

A giant smile spread across Brendon's face. "Wow. Okay, that's fucking amazing. What do we do now?"

Dallon sighed. "Nothing. We do nothing. If my mum finds out something bad could happen, Bren. Something really bad. I'm worried enough for Mikey right now, I can't let that happen to you, or to me."

Brendon felt his heart sink, but kept up the positive appearance, nodding his head. "Okay, Dall. I understand."

A few moments later he pulled up to the curb, in exactly the same space he met Dallon before school. "Call me if you need anything, okay? Anything at all. I'll talk to Gerard and keep you updated."

Dallon smiled gratefully. "Will do. I really can't thank you enough, Brendon."

"Don't mention it." He waved it off.

Dallon smiled and climbed out of the car, waving as the boy of his dreams drove away before turning and trudging into his family home.

The plot's finally going somewhere! I honestly suck at writing books that run like this, so bear with me, it'll probably get a bit better.

I'm sorry for my lack of activity lately. With school ending for the year and Christmas coming up quickly it's difficult to get everything written and posted. I just posted an update on 'Burn Bright', the fourth installment in the Tanith Urie series, so be sure to check that out if you want to

It's 11:37 pm on Christmas eve out here in Australia, so i'm gonna post this and call it Christmas. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and to those who don't, I hope you have a great day.

I'll be leaving for a 17 day trip to New South Wales on the 26th, so if updates become less regular I apologies, but I'll do my best (:

Have a great christmas guys <3


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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