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[I dedicate this chapter to AJEckle because of the slight Frozen reference, and I know how much she loves Frozen. As do I, friend!]

When Ivy awoke the next morning, the sun was shining and though her body was full of aches and sores, she was home at last. She had defeated Saruman and was with her friends again. She smiled when she remembered the night before; how her sister and brothers hugged her again and again, telling her to "never do that again!"

Diggory and Grigory had promised to do her share of work around the house, and Nettle had made her a wonderfully delicious seed-cake as a celebration of her return. Ivy had been resting most of the day, but when she was awake she was being smothered with attention. She was terribly surprised when many of this attention came not from her family, but from the neighbors. Ever since she had killed Saruman the other hobbits had realized that Ivy was unique and special, and they all deep down appreciated her for it.

"Well, look who's awake!" Nettle said, coming in the room. Ivy smiled at her sister, her eyes wide and bright.

"Yes, I was just deciding upon whether or not I should get up and go outside today." She said seriously. Nettle laughed and went to sit on her sister's bed.

"I would tell you to stay indoors where it's safe, but you wouldn't listen to me, would you?"

"It's just as safe out of doors as it is indoors," Ivy replied. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and placed her hairy feet on the floor. She was dreadfully sore, but at least it was nothing serious. She was hungry, though. Her stomach growled and walked to the kitchen for some breakfast and a pitcher of water. She never knew what it was like to be near starving, and she concluded that she would really rather not have that happen to her again. Hobbits needed to be fed. Food was very good.

"Oh, Ivy dear, you're awake!" Ivy's mother came into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around her daughter. She had nearly lost two children in the past two weeks, and she hoped she would never have to experience that feeling again. 

"There's someone who wants to see you, dear."

 Ivy wondered who it was this time--neighbors that were bringing over more food, or somebody she actually knew personally. She was pleasantly surprised when Thorn and Sam walked in. Thorn had her hair up, which was very unusual for her, and as soon as she walked in she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at Ivy who was gulping down the food like a...hobbit.

"At last you're awake!" She said, placing a hand on her hip. "It took forever! Poor Sam has been waiting for HOURS to see you."

The look on Thorn's face made Ivy think she was up to something. Actually, she knew Thorn was up to something, she just didn't know what it was yet. Sam stood behind her with the reddest face she thought she had ever seen on anybody. He was looking down at the floor at something that was probably far less interesting then he thought, and Ivy could tell that he was feeling quite nervous for some reason.

"Thorn, what's going on? What's wrong with Sam? What have you done this time?" She asked. Thorn just laughed and skipped to the door. Before going out she looked at her friends one last time.

"Oh, nothing," she said with a grin. And with that, she was gone. Ivy blinked twice, then stuffed the last carrot into her mouth and sat up to clear her plate. Her mother was by the sink laughing and for some reason this bothered Ivy.

"You go on with Sam, dear. I'll clean up your mess." Lily said. She ushered Ivy and Sam out the door and shut the door after them. Ivy was a little upset by the fact that she was in her sleeping clothes, but she knew Sam wouldn't judge, so she shrugged the thought off.

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