What Happened Thereafter

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  • Dedicated to My Grandparents

[I dedicate this chapter to my grandparents on both sides. They have always encouraged my writing and their interest keeps my hopes up. I love you guys! Family is forever!]

The four hobbits, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin had been through so much together. They had fought battles both inwardly and outwardly, seen horrors beyond any hobbit's nightmares, and watched death snatch people away. When they returned to the Shire they were different hobbits completely. Their stories hadn't reached the Shire's ears then, and so many things had changed, it was no wonder Frodo often though about leaving Middle Earth. But through every hardship there is a lesson to be learned.

Frodo learned determination and strength. He did not want to take the Ring to Mordor, and he felt the effects of it's power more deeply than the other hobbits. But he persevered and eventually, met Daffodil and started not at the end, but at the beginning of a new chapter in his life. 

Merry saw his friends be separated and hurt, and realized that friendship is more important than self-indulgence. He learned fearlessness and love, and fought for his friends out of love. He honored his friends and sacrifieced himself for them just like a true knight would.

Sam was taught the importance of loyalty and courage. He followed Frodo even when they both believed they would never return home again. He stood up for himself when Frodo sent him away, and was able to carry the RIng for a short time. He was the only one who would have been able to do that and give it back to Frodo without hesitation. 

Pippin started thinking more of others and less of himself. He learned that helping those around him is more important than his own safety. He remained silly, but thought more deeply about others than he had ever before.

"How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand, there is no going back?" Frodo asks. It turned out that the answer to his question lay within four hobbit lasses named Daffodil Havenruft, Nettle and Ivy Appleberry, and Thorn Tumalow.


Author's Note: Thank you so much for your patience and faithfulness. You, my readers, are what kept this story alive, not me. The comments you left and the amount of reads I've gotten have just blown my mind. I love each and every one of you, even those of you who don't comment or vote, but just read. There is no word to express how grateful I am.

Love and Hugs,


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