Chapter 3

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Cole's POV

I see Stephany laying in bed looking like how she did when we where engaged. I had also helped set her arm because she broke it fleeing the serpentein. "I can't believe it!" I said to myself. "You came back too me you  said you would in your note, and I've never lost hope I even kept the ring like you told me to." I said sitting next Stephany. I then reach my hand out start stroking her hair like I use to do when we where together.

*Chough* I then turn around and see Kai standing in the door way looking into the room.

"Oh, hey Kai." I say turning back so Stephany and start stroking her hair again.

"How do you know Staphany Cole?" Kai asks me coming into the room. "And why did you say she came back you you, and that you kept the ring like she asked you?"

"uh," I studder. "That's a very long story that I would nather tell you all at once." I say going back to Staphany and look down at her with tears in my eyes. "Let's just say I've known her all of my life, and when she had to go she said she'd be back when she could." I then go and grab her hand and put it to my mouth and kiss it. Kai walks over and puts his hand on my sholder.

"You need to go get some food and get some rest Cole these last two and a half days have been torture on you you need to eat something soon or you might just passout." Kai says snickering.

 "Okay, okay, I'll goget something to eat and get some sleep. BUT if she wakes up come and get me please I need to talk to her." I say getting up and rubbing her forehead again before I leave the room and go to the kitchen. I sit down after making a sandwhich as I start eating and then go too my room to and get some sleep. I guess I slept all night because the next thing I know Kai's coming into my room.

"Cole? Cole! COLE! Wake up."

"Huh, wait, what?" I say sleeply.

"Cole, you told me when Stephany wo..." I then cut Cole off by getting up quickly and running to Stephany's room I then open the door and see Stephany standing by the window looking out onto Ninjago city I walkover top her "Stephany?" I say. She turns around and starts crying

"Cole oh my god I've been trying to find you you've never left my mind I'm so sorry that I left you and only told you good bye in a note."  I put my arms around her to calm her down but then she starts crying even more

"It's okay Steph you said you explain when we got back together and I even kept the ring if you want it back and want to planthe wedding again." I say as I pull back and start rubbing the tears out of her eyes. I grab the ring and hold it out.

"Cole I want to be together with you I really do but...."

"But what?" I ask her

" I think we should go on a few date and catch up before we become fiances again."

"That's okay I think that would be a good idea as well." I say putting the ring back into my pocket. I then grab Stephany's hand and guide her to the kitchen so we can have breakfast.

"Cole?" Senci asked me at breakfast "Kai tells me that you know Stephany. Would you like to tell us how you know her?"

"Uh.... Sure." I say with a studder. I then take a breath and start explaining.

(A/N) Sorry for the short chapter the next one should be longer sence it's going to be Stephany's POV and the story of how they know eachother and how they got engaged and Stephany gets to tell the story of why she left Cole.

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