Chater 11

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Kai's POV

I see Sophia standing there with her long brown hair and curves like they had in the 50's as I trained her she was very elegent like she was danceing and then out of no where she blasted me with a ray of Light that woke me up from my day dream. I get back up and shake my head I then look back up and Sophia was standing there looking at me with her perfect body and her chocolate brown eyes looked into mine it it was like we where there forever

"Kai? KAI?" Sophia snaped me out of my day dream "Kai I think you've got as concussion lets get you to Senci and see."

Cole then comes over and helps me to my feet he moves his arm and right then I pass out. Then all I remember is waking up in bed with Lloyd sitting in a chair next to me asleep.

"Oh my gosh kid!" I joke to my self as I get up and walk queitly out of my room and into the kitchen to make my self something to eat. As I walk into the kitchen I see Cole and Stephany making out. 

"Uh I don't mean to be rude but I eat on that table." I say laughingas they turn around with shock on there face.

"Kai our awake!" Stephany says as she gets off the table and runs over to me and hugs me. Cole comes over

"You passed out during training when again Sophia hit you with a ray of Light." Cole says

"I know. I don't know why but I think I'm like Sophia." I say sitting down finally in a chair.

All of a sudden I hear a sob and I turn around and I see no other then Sophia standing in the door way. Lloyd then comes out from behind her and looks at me

"Kai." Lloyd says in the door way "You do know that Zane is her brother right she and I talked while you where asleep and she told me how when Dr. Julian passed she was there waiting for Zane to wake up so she could help him out. But...... When Samuki came she was kiddnaped by them for leverage against Dr. Julian. She's not even told Zane yet." Lloyd said as he cam in the room and sat down next to me.

"But I know think I do know now." Lloyd turns around very fast and sees Sophia run from the room as Zane enters looking at Sophia with him looking like he got staped in the chest with a knife. I run after Sophia calling her name trying to get her to stop and talk to me. she runs into her room and slams the door waking EVERYONE up. I open her door and see Sophia sitting on her bed with a shirt in her hands crying.

"Why Zane? How could you forget your own fricking sister?!?" She then starts crying even harder but this time int othe shirt.

"Sophia?" I say walking slowly into the room with the door cracked a bit so people can open and see into the room. "Sophia I'm here talk to me." Sophia looks at me and sees Zane behind me.

"Sophia. I didn't know you where my sister. I'm still recovering bits and pieces of my memory back little by little I did not mean to forget you." Zane say wraping her in a hug.

"Oh.... Kai?" Sophia says after 30 minutes of crying and talking. "I heard what you said to Cole and Stephany, and I want to say I like you to.

After another 30 minutes Sophia falls asleep on Zane and he picks her up bridel style and puts her in her bed and we both leave so she could sleep. I then get tackled and is on the ground with Zane on top of me with his arm on my throte not choking me but enough to let me know to not move.

"You can't hurt Sophia because when Lloyd said all that stuff and when I was in Sophia's room and saw that shirt she was holding I remembered everything I forgot she is my only sister you better not mess this up brother because if you do I'll hurt you my self."

I just layed there is shock seeing if I was hearing this right was ZANE the Nindroid who'd never hurt an inocent fly really telling me this. I nodded my head and before Zane could continue we heard a cough that made us BOTH jump. we turned around and see Senci standing there looking at both of us.

"What's going on here?"

"Uh... uuhhhhh.." I started

"sophia is my sister I was just explaining the rules to Kai about him dating my sister." zane explained really fast.



*********************The next day************

Sophia's POV

I leave my room and take a shower I get out and Zane's in my room sitting on my bed.

"Uh.... Zane?" I say pulling my robe tighter together to make sure nothing is shown. "Zane is everything okay?"

"I think so. It's just I forgot I had a sister almost permenetly and when Lloyd said all the stuff last night I remembered part of it but then I saw this shirt." Zane held up his old shirt that he wore when he was living with dad when he got created. "And then I remembered everything else."

"Zane can I talk to you in like 10 minutes I kinda sorta need to get dressed." I say gesturing to me in my bath robe.

"Oh, uh.... Sorry let me go." Zane says leaving the room. I get dressed in work out shorts t-shirt and snikers then I go into the training room and start with the training course. I've been working in here every day when I work out with everyone and at night when Stephany and I train together. I start the training course and I spin to donge a dummy and do SPINJETSU I stop and look and ther's Zane looking at me in awe.

"You did Spinjetsu?"

"Yeah Stephany learned how last night while her and I did some training." I put my hand over my mouth to try and stop the words from coming out but it was to late.

"You've been training at night?" Zane asked me curiously

"Yeah she and I've been doing it ever sence she could train."

"HEY EVERYONE I NEED YOU IN THE BRIDGE IT"S ABOUT JACKSON AND HIS ARMY!" We hear Nya call we rush into the bridge and sure enough there was Jackson with what it looks like a NEW and improved Stone Army

"Oh crap!" Cole says


(A/N) *Intence music* Oh my gosh whats going to happen next? Well...... That is for me to write a figure out, and you to read and FIND out!!! I hoped you liked the chapter:)

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