Chapter 15

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Cole's POV

I run after Stephany calling her name over and over and over again untill I was almost horse. I finally catch up to Stephany after running non stop deeper and deeper into the woods for hours 

"Stephany" I say walking over to her out of breath I see that she was crying while running and has now clapsed from the pain of her heart being broken she is now sobbing into her arms I sit down next to her and start rubbing her back to comfort her. "You and I need to talk." I say continueing to rub her back, and right as I'm about to start telling her what was said between Kai, Aaron and I my phone started ringing. I look at my phone and see Kai's name on the caller I.D. I answer the phone and I hear Kai start to ramble about how I can date Stephany and something I couldn't understand because he was talking so fast like how Jay does when he's extreamly excited. "Okay, okay. Kai calm the hell down and breath, how am I going to be able to date Stephany her and I are cousins." I say trying to calm down Kai and Stephany all at once. 

"Okay let me start over for you." Kai said after a few minutes of breathing. "I was talking to mom and I have good news and bad news. The good news is that you're going to be able to still marry Stephany." Kai said then he went quite. I could tell that whatever the bad news was it's goign to be bad. After a minute of silence Kai spoke up "The bad news is that..... You're adopted. Mom said that you where put on there door step when you where a little baby so they rased you as there own." 

"So who is my real family?" I say shocked 

"Mom also said she found out who you're real father is." I start hyperventilating like I did when I was younger and would get asthma attacks when I was extreamly sad or mad or my emotions would get out of wack. Stephany looks over at me and realizes what was happening to me and calms down. 

"Well!?!" I finally get out. "Are you going to tell meor am I going to have to hurt you?" I said now getting worse.

"Okay, Cole. You dad is....... The Overlord." Kai said his voice shaking a bit. I then look over at Stephany who was now wide eyed and shocked. 

"What..." I say horsed and trying to catch my breath. "My dad is The Overlord?" I finsh my sentince and bend over grabbing my chest trying to catch my breath. 

"Cole COLE! Oh, no not this again. You're going to be okay just remember to breath and catch your breath." Stephany said as she helped me through this like she did when we where younger when we where first dating. My breathing got harder and harder tell I passed out. I could hear Stephany and feel her holding my head and I could also hear Kai start yelling over the phone what was going on and that they'll be there soon just hold on. 

"Hurry up guy's we need to get Cole on the bounty so I can get to my bag!" I heard Stephany yell at Kai on the phone. I pass out and wake up the next day in my bed and I see my fiance in my arms asleep. I move my arm from under Stephany and go to take a shower I get out and get dressed in a pair of black kaki shorts and a plain white t-shirt. I get out of the bathroom after changing in there and see Stephany awake. 

"Morning Stephany!" I say smiling at my beautiful fiance who was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a black shirt with a skull that I wore when she and I where dating and it went missing when she left now I know where it went. "I know where my shirt went." I say joking. 

"Yeah I kinda took it so I could have somthing of you that would stay with me tell I came back to you." Steaphny said looking down at the shirt. "How are you doing after last night?" She asked me 

"I'm doing good I thought I was done of those panic slash asthma attacks but... OI guess not." I say laughing Stephany laughs with me. I walked over to her a kissed her and her lips felt like satin and her kiss sent shivers up and down my back. After a second we both herd a sound that made us both just. It was no other then Mr. Mouth of Lightning Jay. Jay had a smile on his face and just looked at us then put a hand up

"I didn't mean to interupt but Senci Wu sent me to see if you where awake and if you where you need to go and see Senci and talk to him." Jay said as he get is grin on his face. 

"Okay I'll be there in a minute." I say as I grap Stephanys hand and leave the room with Jay right behind me. I go into the kitchen real quick and grab an apple and a banana from the fruit bowl for Stephany and I to split. I leave and go it the Dining room and I see everyone sitting at the table eating lunch and from the smell of it Zane cooked. I see Aaron a Jezabell holding hands together who also had her head resting on his shoulder. 

"Cole you're awake!" Savanna said as she lunged herself at me and wraped me into a monster hug. "It's good to see you Lloyd's been a pain in the butt ever sence we started dating." Savanna joked as Lloyd came over and wraped his arms around Savanna's scaring her and making her laugh. "See this is what I mean he's been a brat always scaring a crap out of me every chance he gets." Savanna said laughing. Lloyd just laughed and started tickling her sides making her laugh harder. Savanna discovered her true potential the same way Jay did. Savanna where on a date and some Skelatons came and tried to kiddnaped Savanna for ransom aganst Stephany so she could come to the underworld and give herself up To Jackson so he could kill her. Savanna said to not touch her boy-friend and to stay away from Stephany and found her true potential by telling Lloyd after werds how she felt for him. 

"Ah Cole come let's go to my room so we can talk about everything that's going on." Senci Wu said as he walked into the kitchen we walked into his room he shut the door and sat down. "So you're The Overlords son?" 

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