Chapter 4

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Stephany's POV

As Kai left room I look down at my arm and see it wraped in a cast in a sling.

"Ow." I say "Why did I not feel that when I woke up it's not that hard to miss!" I then hear a door open up and I hear a guys face go


I then turn around and see Cole standing there and I break down and start crying "Cole oh my god I've been trying to find you you've never left my mind I'm so sorry that I left you and only told you good bye in a note." He then comes over and puts his arms around me and I start crying even harder

"It's okay Steph you said you explain when we got back together and I even kept the ring if you want it back and want to plan the wedding again." He then pushs me back a bit and puts his hands on my face and rubs the tear from my eyes he then grabed the ring from his pocket and held it out

"Cole I want to be together with you I really do but...." I say with sadness

"But what?" He ask's me with a puzzled look

" I think we should go on a few date and catch up before we become fiances again."

"That's okay I think that would be a good idea as well."

"That's okay I think that would be a good idea as well." I say putting the ring back into my pocket. I then grab Stephany's hand and guide her to the kitchen so we can have breakfast.

"Cole?" Someone named Sanci Wu says "Kai tells me that you know Stephany. Would you like to tell us how you know her?"

"Uh.... Sure." Cole says "Uh......... Steph? Would you like to tell the story so you can tell your past and how we got together and why you needed to leave?

"Sure Cole I'll start" I say from across the table." "Okay so I'm going to start from the begining so pay attention." It all started when I was just a little kid I was at the orphanege in Jumanaci village when two people walked in the guy had pale skin jet black hair and red eyes and with him was his wife and she had long brown hair that was in a braid. Well....... I went up to them and asked them if they where looking for there lost daughter they did not say her name. So I helped them look at the girls and they thought that I was her and when they wanted to adopt me I was already up for adoption and they left. Well ten years later I was an adult and able to get out of the other orphaneg I was in because my odopted parents kicked me out because I got this power and they where scared. So I got a job and was bored and decidid to take up danceing and when I was walking through Ninjago City I saw a poster for dance lessions that Cole's dad was teaching so I went and I saw the boy with long black hair that went to his sholders and such dark brown eyes they where almost black. So after a few weeks of, Hello's and can you help me with this dance step Cole asked me to coffee so we could get to know eachother better. Well after about a year and a half he proposed to me and we where engaged for three months when My friend Clarissa told me that I was found by my ex Jackson I had to go right away so I lest a not that said

Dearest Cole

I must go but do not worry because you will always be in my heart and I will always love you but right now I need to go for reasons that I'll explain when I can always keep the ring you gave me and never lose hope I will come back and when we do I will explain and I hope that you can foregive me for leaveing you with out telling you in person but I must go

Your's and always forever Stephany

"And when I left Cole I was crushed because he was one of the two people who understood me and why I didn't trust many people. I was always moving and staying hidden hoping a praying that I could go back home soon but after three and a half yearsof doing the same thing I stayed in the same place and then I got snached by some serpentein because they said I knew where the Daggers of Winds where suposivly and I escaped when they where preocupied with trying to figure out what to do with me I ran through the forest and ran into Senci Wu and told them they're going to kill me and passed out."

"So that's why you left?" I hear Cole say.

"Yes... That is why I left and I hope you can forgive me."

"So you met Garmadon and Misako in the orphaneges in Jumanaci Village?" Senci Wu said "Very interesting I think you all should go and explore the woods while I contact Garmadon so we can talk."

"Yes Senci." All of the ninja say at once. We all start walking around the bounty when Lloyd asks me over to him.

"Hey guys Lloyd says he need to talk to me in privet so I'm going to go over and talk to him."

"Uh Stephany I think you're really pretty and I like you and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me??"

"Lloyd." I say I think you're cute also but right now I need to figure out what to do because I'm in the same roof as my former fiance and I knida want to get back together with him but I don't know yet.

"Okay just let me do this."

"Do what?" I ask but it's to late Lloyd kiss's me I push him off

"What the hell Lloyd I've only known you for four hours and you kiss me?!?" I say looking at him and I see the hurt in his face. "Lloyd I'm sorry I did not mean to be a bitch about it I should've said it nicer I'm so so SO sorry." I apoligize to Lloyd."

"Come on Stephany. Let's get back to the guys before they ask questions, and... I foregive you." Lloyd says to me as he walk past me. Zane walks up to me and asks me what Lloyd needed to talk about. I just tell him he needed to get advice on a girl he likes. I then go to Cole and look into the forest I then hear Cole say a name I've not heard in five years Aaron.

(A/N) I hope you guys like the chapter and why did Senci needed to call Garmadon and who is Aaron I guess you'll find out next chapter.

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