Chapter 9

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(A/N) Hey everyone. So a recap from last chapter Cole is unconcious from a cut that Jackson gave him. Jay got the crap kicked out of him. Jay and Nya are engaged. And we now have three new people. And now they have to train harder than ever to get ready for a new evil that Lloyd dreamt about. (Read the sequil It's Jay aND Nya's wedding)

~ Garmadon's POV ~

 Lloyd and I take Jackson to the Bounty so we can get him to talk and tell us what he did to Cole and how do we help him. A few minutes later we where at the Bounty and I was taking him to a spare room so he and I could "Talk nicely" I tie him up and stand in front of him trying to think of how I could make him talk. I get an idea and just then Stephany walks into the room. 

"Dad?" She says as she walks over to me. "Dad? Cole woke up he says he needs to talk to you." She says as she puts a hand on my sholder and guids me to Cole's room where he was resting. I walk in and there's Cole awake looking like he's going to puke at any moment. He was pale and when I got over to him he opened his eyes and pinked and his eyes turn red. Like he got poisoned with the Great Devourers venom. I run over and look even more he rolls around in pain pale in the face and every time he blinks his eyes turn from red to normal as if he was fighting off the evil trying to take over.

"Garmadon?" Says Cole in a raspy voice "I want to ask if  I can marry Stephany because I've always loved her and she helped me through so much I couldn't see another life with out her." He says smileing as if the thing keeping the evil from taking over is my daughter Stephany. 

"Yes you may marry Stephany but just know I will kill you if you if you hurt her just so you know." I say as I turn around and see Stephany with her hands over her mouth as if she's trying not to cry. I get up and walk over to her I put my arms around her and she crys.

"Daddy?" She says crying. "Is Cole going to die?" 

'I pull her forward and notice that she had been crying a lot lately. "No hunny he's not not if I have anything to say about it." I then pull her back as she breaks down again.

"Hey hunny I need to go and take care of some busness but I'll be back in a bit. I'll still be on the ship though. Just ignore any screaming you hear I'm going to have Jackson tell me what he did to Cole and make him give me the cure." I then see her go a little white and I can see that she was think ing the same thing that I was. 

"Okay just don't hurt him to much I know Lloyd wants to hurt him to."


I go in to the room where Jackson was and Lloyd was already there talking to him.

"So...... Where do I begin it's kinda hard to think."

"Lloyd!" He jumps and turns around. "You shouldn't be in here you should be helping Nya tend to Jay." 

"I know father but I just wanted to see if I could get him to talk beore you had a jap at it." Lloyd says putting his head down.

"Okay Jackson we can do this the easy way where you can tell me the antidote so Cole won't turn evil or we can do it the hard way where I beat it out of you." I say walking around him I can see in his face that he's afraid of me. 

"THE HARD WAY!" Jackson said cunningly.

"Have it your way then boy!" I said as I pulled up my sleaves and getting ready to get any info I can. "I'm going to enoy this so much. Even after all you did to my daughter." I hit his face and stomach. After about 2 hours of beating him asking him to give me the cure he finaly coughs it up.

"The antidote is your daughters blood you have to take her blood and put it into Cole and you only have 4 hours left before there is no stoping it." He says looking as if he doesn't want to face me.

"STEPHANY!" I call She runs in here with Senci and Zane behind her with there weapons.

"What's wrong dad?" Stephany says looking scared.

"We need Zane to draw some blood from you so we can put it into Cole becaus eyour blood can cure Cole." I say running out of the room and going into Coles to check on him. "And he doesn't have much time before there's no time to help him." Zane grabs Stephany's arm and gets a needle and puts it ito Stephanys arm and draws blood from her he then runs over to Cole and puts it into Cole's arm. Cole then wakes up a bit and starts blinking and his eyes don't turn red at all his fever then also starts to go down and his paleness starts to go away. He then gets up.

"Huh..... What happened why is there a bandaid on Stephany and is Jay okay? AND also why the hell is Zane holding a needle with blood in it?"

"Oh Cole." Stephany says as she goes over and claps on Cole and starts sobbing.

"Hey hunny. I have a question to ask you?" Cole says putting his hand into his pocket and starts pulling out something.

"Sure Cole what's your question?" Stephany said between gasps. Cole then pulls out the ring and holds it up to Stephanyshe then starts sobing.

"Will you please marry me?" Cole asked

"YES!" Stephany says sobbing.

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