Chapter Two: Let's be Friends

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The next day, as soon as I went to school, I saw Ben walking with a girl who had long, curly blonde hair, and he looked like he was making her laugh. He had his arm around her, and I felt my stomach go into knots. Was that jealousy?

I'm not jealous. He's just a stupid playboy.

I walked towards the door of the school, but before I could open the door, someone grabbed hold of my left wrist, and made me look at that person. It was Ben.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something." He asked, with a small smirk appearing in his face. I scoffed, and took my wrist away from his hand, and I made my way to the door again, but he took my wrist again.

"Oh, come on, I really need to talk to you. It's about last night." I took my hand away from his again, and as I turned to look at the girl he was with, I could see that she was very angry at me. If only she knew that I wanted nothing to do with Ben.

"What about it?" I asked, and folded my arms across my chest, and he took his arm off the blonde girl's shoulder, and put it around mine. The girl gasped, and she looked at Ben and me with pure rage.

"What is this?!" She yelled in a very shrill, annoying voice. What have I gotten myself into?

"Sorry, this is my fiancé that you're talking to, so you might want to watch what you're saying." He said with a smirk plastered on his stupid, ugly--I mean handsome face. I wanted to kiss away that stupid smirk...wait, what?

"Fiancé?!" She slapped me straight across the face, and I held my cheek in pain. Ben took his arm off me and tried to calm the girl down.

"Calm down, Melissa. I was just messing with you. Do you really think I'd date a girl like her, Rey Kenobi?" He spat out my name in disgust, and I glared at him. How dare he say my name like that?! He had gotten me into trouble, now here I was, in pain, because some dumb girl just slapped me.

"Oh, of course you're right. She's probably a witch. She might've used a love potion on you." And she took his arms, and they both walked away together. What. The. Hell.

I hate him. You know what, I freaking hate him. I wanna get out of this stupid arranged marriage. I will never marry him. Without noticing, a tear slipped from my eye, but before I could even wipe it away, more tears spilled out, probably because of how hard that girl slapped me.

Ben's POV

She slapped Rey. That was way over the line. I told her it was all a joke, and she took my arm and walked away with me, but I looked back at Rey, only to see her crying, but she wiped away her tears furiously, and she speed walked right past us. I actually felt bad for her, and seeing as it was my fault she got slapped, it made me feel worse. Oh well. She's gonna have to get used to me and my annoying and horrible ways.

"Don't ever joke like that again!" Melissa warned me, and I scoffed at her. I let her arms go and walked away from her.

"Hey! Where are you going?" She shouted, and I looked back at her with a smirk.

"To make that joke come true. And if you haven't gotten the message yet, it's over." Before I turned back around, she cursed at me and then fell to her knees, while sobbing like there was no tomorrow. We've only started going out yesterday, gosh.

As I was walking, I saw that Rey was about to open the door to a classroom, but I took her hand, and pulled her to an empty hallway. She was startled at first, but once she saw that it was just me, she calmed down and glared at me.

"What do you want? Is there another girl who'd like to slap me?" She snapped at me coldly, and I couldn't blame her for talking that way.

"I...I wanted to say sorry." I said, as sincerely as possible, and she laughed with no humor.

"Okay. I forgive you." She answered back sarcastically, and I raised my eyebrows at her.

"I mean it."

"Sure you do."

"I'm really sorry."

"Yeah, right."

"Goddamit, Rey! I'm trying to apologize, and you think this is all a joke? We're going to get married, Rey! We have to learn to get along. We can at least just be friends." I practically pleaded to her, and she sighed.

"Fine. But if you really want to prove yourself, you better fix up your stupid reputation as a playboy." Sounds simple enough--wait, hold on a second!

"It's my reputation! I'm the number one playboy of this school!" I exclaimed furiously, and she folded her arms against her chest.

"You know what, do what you want. I don't even care about this whole stupid marriage thing anyway. I'm only marrying you because I'm following what my grandpa tells me to do." I don't know why, but her words hurt me. It hurt when she said that she didn't want to marry me. Then she walked away from me.

"Are we at least friends now?" I yelled at her.

"Yes, whatever!" She yelled back, and I smiled. I followed her into the classroom and decided to sit next to her. Maybe this girl wasn't so bad after all.

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