Chapter Thirteen: Remembering

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Leia's POV

I told Han that after Ben got home from school later, we'd tell him what really happens to him in the past. I know that Poe and Finn had given him hints about it, but I think it's about time that I should tell Ben. Maybe I could also tell Rey, since both of them lost their memories.

Wondering how I could approach my son in that kind of conversation, I received a phone call from an unknown number. But after I picked it up, I realized who had called me. The police...

"Is this Mrs. Leia Solo?" The officer asked, and I bit my lip nervously, before answering him with a shaky voice.

"Yes. What happened?" The officer gulped, and I resisted the urge to scream. I knew that whatever happened, my son was probably involved in it, since Han was in the living room, and no one else I knew would've gotten involved in this, since the police called me out of all people.

"I don't mean to shock you, Mrs. Solo, but your son, Ben Solo, got involved in a car crash, and there was someone with him. We identified her as Rey Kenobi." My heart dropped at those words. It was too much to handle, but I tried to remain as calm as I could, so I don't have some sort of panic attack. But I was so close to having one already.

"Are they okay? Are they hurt? Where are they? Officer, please tell me they're okay!" I screamed at the phone, and that seemed to take the attention of Han, who ran to the kitchen, where I was clutching the phone tightly, with tears in my eyes.

"What happened?" He asked me, but I shook my head, signaling him that I'd tell him later.

"They're both unconscious, but they still seem to be alive. Rey has lots of bloody wounds on her face, but nothing was broken from her. Ben, on the other hand, may have broken a rib. But don't worry, they're both in the City Hospital. They're likely to live, but that is still not confirmed." I sighed in relief, but still felt nervous and sad all the same. This was exactly what made them lose their memories before. They went through a car crash when they were kids...


After explaining to Han the whole situation, he resisted the urge to cry. We were both very worried, and I had to call Benjamin about this as well. He screamed at me and immediately asked me where his granddaughter was, and I told him that they were in the hospital, but the three of us would go there all together.

Twenty minutes later, we arrived at the hospital, and after asking where Ben and Rey was, we realized that they were in a coma. Ben went to the ER earlier, since he also had a large cut on his stomach, which was caused by the glass shards of his car. The doctors said he was fine now, but neither him nor Rey were awake. They shared the same room, and Han and I stood next to Ben's bed, while Benjamin stood next to Rey's. I took my son's hand in mine, and both Han and I cried for our son. Oh Ben...


Rey's POV

I woke up in a house. Though, I don't think this was the house that I can remember living in...or was it? I don't quite remember. I groaned, remembering what had just happened to me. I tried looking around, and even if I don't remember living in a house like this, everything seemed so familiar.

"Kira! It's time to go!" A young boy yelled to a little girl, and I tried to approach the two children, who were oddly familiar to me. That girl...she looked like...ME! And the boy looked like Ben! What was going on?

"I'm coming!" She yelled back, and I followed her, as she went downstairs, intertwined her hands with Ben, and they entered a car with two adults in it. I entered the car as well, but no one noticed my presence, so I didn't mind at all.

"Okay, sweetie. You're going to have lots of fun at Disneyland, and have I ever told you that it's the place where your dad and I met, and soon fell in love?" The mother asked, as the children put their seat belts on, and the girl shook her head.

"No, but I don't really want to know, mummy. Love is weird."

"Love may be weird, but it is beautiful, right Richard?" The father nodded, and they all headed off. Everything seemed perfectly normal; the children slept in silence, while the parents were in the from seat driving and talking to Evan other.

Then, all of a sudden, a truck went straight to their car, and the mother screamed at the strong impact.


And then everything went black.


I woke up in a white room, gasping for breath. It took me a few moments to realize that I was in a hospital, laying on a bed. I could see my grandpa, Leia and Han, all sitting down on a chair, sleeping, next to the two beds in the room. Then I looked at the person in the other bed...Ben!

"Grandpa?" I asked, my voice coming out hoarse. He woke up abruptly from his chair, and walked to me quickly.

"Rey? How are your feeling?"

"I'm fine." I said with a nod, though my head still has that throbbing pain in it.

"Are you sure?" He asked me, and once again, I nodded.

"Is Ben alright?" He looked at me nervously, but gave me a sympathetic smile.

"He's...unconscious at the moment. But don't worry, there's still a very high chance for him to wake up, though, for now, he's still in a coma." I thought that the conversation ended, but then I remembered the the dream I had. It wasn't a dream, it was a memory.

"Grandpa, please tell me the truth. The thing that everyone else was hiding from me and Ben was the car crash we went through when we were kids, wasn't it?" He gulped nervously, but nodded his head slowly.

"It also caused your memory loss, and the life of your parents."

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