Chapter Nine: Done

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Ben's POV

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Is this real? Rey, my girlfriend, was kissing another guy. I stormed away, not wanting to ruin the moment that they're having. If that's what she wants, then I'll let her have it.

Melissa's POV

I planned this all out perfectly. I had a plan to break up Rey and Ben, and after I saw Ben storming off, I knew it was working. And it was really easy to do that, honestly. All I did was get a girl with black hair, then I just had to fix her hair like Rey's, which was basically three buns, and as much as I hate to admit it, Rey's hairstyle is really pretty. Ugh. Anyway, I jumped out of my hiding spot once Ben was out of sight, and gave the two people a thumbs up for doing a good job. They both nodded, then I gave them some money because the plan was successful. After they left, I went looking for Ben.

"Melissa!" I heard my name being called by the voice that I wanted to hear.

"Ben?" I turned around, and I saw Ben, but he didn't have the face of an innocent guy anymore. He only looked like that when he dated Rey, but now, he's back to his old self. The guy that I fell in love with. This is going to be fun.

"I'm sorry I hurt you. Will you forgive me?"

"Of course." And then I kissed him.

Rey's POV

Ben hasn't been picking up any of my calls. I've called him several times, but he just won't answer, and I'm starting to get frustrated. I needed to tell him that tomorrow night is our engagement party, and even if we're not officially engaged yet, somehow my grandpa and his parents wants it to happen.

I looked around school to see if I could find him, and when I did, I wish I didn't. There he was, making out with Melissa. I thought he promised not to do this anymore? I could feel the tears coming, but I didn't walk away, because I was thinking that maybe he would push her away. Seconds passed, they pulled away, but he wasn't angry. He smiled at her. I knew what it meant for us right there. It's over.

A few hours later, I was crying my heart out. I didn't bother to tell him that we had an engagement party. I thought I already wanted it to happen, but now, I know he doesn't. It was all an act. All the things he's done for me, it was all nothing. I remembered the times when he was being sweet to me...

"Rey, where are you?" Ben and I was playing hide and seek, and he was currently looking for me. I was hiding behind a rock, which was hidden in the bushes, and suddenly he turned at my direction, so I backed down into the rock. I looked up again, and saw that he wasn't there anymore. What the...

"Got you!" Ben held onto my waist, and he kissed my cheek.

"How come you always win?" I turned around and pouted. He gave me a warm smile back, and kissed my forehead.

"I'm a master at hide and seek. You can't beat the master."

"Whatever." He laughed, then kissed me passionately.


"Why does it take so long for Ron and Hermione to be together?" Ben asked me, while we were watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

"Because things kept getting in their way." I answered him.


"Because, Ben, love doesn't come to you easily. It takes time, and you just can't rush it."

"What if I loved you?" He gave me his signature smirk, and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"We've been dating for a week, Ben."


"How do you fall in love with someone that fast?"

"It's easier to fall in love with a girl like you."

"What do you mean?"

"When I try to flirt with you, you're able to think of a smart remark, even if we're already dating. Why do you make it hard for me to flirt with you?"

"Because you wouldn't flirt with me anymore if I made it easy!" The moment I said it, I regretted it.

"You...want me to keep flirting with you?"


"Every single time you make a remark..." He started leaning in to me slowly, but I kept on backing away.

"Ben." I told him sternly.

"I knew something was up..." He still kept doing that.

"Stop." I got up from the couch, and he did too.

"So all those times..." I was backing away from him until I hit the wall.

"Ben, what are you--" And then he kissed me passionately. It was like fireworks ignited into my stomach, and it felt great. I put my arms around his neck, while his landed on my waist, and it felt really nice. I was happy. He was happy. We made each other happy.

I kept crying thinking that none of those means anything anymore. It's over.

A/N:' I promise I'll update again soon! I just needed to publish this chapter so I could work on another, and here ya go! Okay, I don't think I have much to say anymore, so...yeah. Thanks for reading!

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