New Story

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Hey everyone! It still surprises me that I've completed this story already, but I'm proud with what I've done. Anyway, I have a new story that I've already started, but it's no longer about Star Wars or Harry Potter. This story will be a part of Marvel, and it will be about my favorite superhero in the MCU...Spider-man! Homecoming became my favorite Spider-man story, and since I shipped Peter with Michelle Jones, I decided to make a story for them! So if you're a Spider-man: Homecoming or Tom Holland fan (like me), then maybe you could try reading my story? Thank you all so much for everything, and bonus chapters are coming your way!

Spider-man! Homecoming became my favorite Spider-man story, and since I shipped Peter with Michelle Jones, I decided to make a story for them! So if you're a Spider-man: Homecoming or Tom Holland fan (like me), then maybe you could try reading my ...

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