Bonus Chapter # 1: A Mother's Hardwork

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"Breathe, Rey. Just breathe and push." The nurse told me calmly. Though if I was going to be honest, I was far beyond being calm. I was giving birth to Ben and I's second child, and even if I've done this before, it was still extremely painful. Which is why I was screaming so much.

"It's going to be fine, Rey! Keep pushing and stay calm!" Ben was scared; he was holding my hand tightly, and if I was in a different situation, I would've laughed at his expression, but giving birth is a very serious thing to do. Moms go through a lot, and I wish I could've had time to tell my mum how much I appreciate her for all her hard work. Oh, the things mothers do for their children and husband.

"Almost there! I can see the head!" The nurse exclaimed, and I took a moment to breathe properly, before starting to push again.

"You're doing good, hon--" I cut him off angrily.

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!" He shut up immediately, and I sighed, and remembered what I was doing.

"I think it's better not to say too much, Ben. Women have bad mood when they're giving birth." The nurse told Ben, and he nodded, while he gulped nervously.

"There it comes! The baby's coming out!" I tried to even my breath, but it was hard to do so. I was breathing too fast, as screams kept erupting all around the room I was in. I kept on pushing, and before I knew it, I could hear the cries of a baby.

"Congratulations. You have a baby girl." The nurse was carrying mine and Ben's baby. Our baby.

"We're just going to need to set up a few things for her. We'll be back with your baby later." Ben and I both nodded, and I buried my head further into the pillow with a sigh.

"You did it, Rey. We've got another baby." I smiled at him, and he kissed my forehead tenderly. I closed my eyes as he did so, feeling relaxed by his actions. I was in labor for 8 hours, and it was one of the most painful and hardest hours of my life. But I was able to get through it, with Ben at my side the entire time.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." I sighed, and Ben chuckled at me.

"It's fine. I mean, giving birth isn't an easy thing to do. And besides, your threats were way worse when you gave birth the first time." I glared at him playfully, but he only smirked in response.



"Oh my god, she looks just like you, Rey." Leia kept gushing about our baby daughter, hours after I gave birth. The doctors had to do some check-ups for the baby, but eventually, everything was all set up for her. We named her after my mother's pet name for me, which was Kira. Kira Kenobi-Solo was now Ben and I's second child.

Han and my grandpa were also gushing over the baby a lot, with our first son, Jacob, joining them. Jake only learned to talk about a year back, but by now, he's already pretty good at saying lots of words. And his next words were one of the sweetest and memorable things he'd ever say.
"I promise I'll be the best big brother in the world! I'll protect her all the time!" We all looked at my son in awe. Luckily, Leia was able to take a video of the whole scene.

"You really do have a wonderful family, Rey." She smiled and I smiled back, then I turned my head to look at Ben.

"If I wouldn't have met Ben, my life would've turned a really different way. But I like it just the way it is."

A/N: I FINALLY MADE A BONUS CHAPTER. Ayeee hello my kind readers! After a few months, I finally published this chapter. It took me a while to write this cause of other stories I made, but here is the first bonus chapter. I'm sorry it's short, but I'll try making a longer one next time. AND WE ALSO GOT #1 RANKING FOR REYLAU I AM SO HAPPY AND PROUDDDD!!!! THANK YOU AGAIN FOR ALL THE READS, COMMENTS, VOTES, AND SUPPORT YOU ALL GAVE! THANK YOU!

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