Chapter Seven: Perfect Pairing

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Rey's POV


"Let's go, Kira!" A young boy yelled excitedly to a little girl, who looked about the same age as the boy. They looked like twelve year olds, and they were running into a forest. The girl had a scared look on her face, but remained determined, just to show that she can handle herself. But no matter how hard she tried, fear kept overtaking her.

"I...don't want to go, Kylo. I'm scared t-to go..." She stuttered, and the boy gave her an encouraging smile.

"I'll be here for you, Kira. Don't you trust me?" He asked her, expecting an honest answer.

"Of course I do!" She exclaimed, then the boy looked at her with more excitement.

"Then will you join me?" He held out his hand to her, and she bit her lip, trying to think of an answer. She was his best friend, and she didn't want to let him down by rejecting his offer. She nodded her head, then took his outstretched hand. They walked into the forest, their hands intertwined with each other's. A few minutes passed by in silence, then they suddenly came to a stop, right in front of a big tree. It wasn't an ordinary tree; it was a treehouse. It had fairy lights hanging on the outside, and there were flowers in front of the house as well. The girl gasped in surprise, and smiled brightly at the young boy.

"How did you find this, Kylo?" She asked him, and the boy shrugged.

"I was walking in here alone one day, and I just found this all of a sudden. It wasn't very clean at first, so I fixed it up. Wanna go there?"

"I'd love to." And they both climbed up the ladder on the tree, which was not very high, so it was safe for them to go up there. When they both reached the top, the boy opened the door. Inside there were two bean bags, a small shelf with a few books on it, a small bed, and a closet. It was like a little room in a house.

"You made all of this?" She asked him, and the boy shook his head.

"Not really, I mean, everything inside was already here, but I just fixed it up and cleaned it. Do you like it?"

"I love it!" She exclaimed, pulling the boy close in an embrace. They both stood there for a moment, inhaling each other's scents, before they pulled away, moments later. They looked into each other's eyes, and their faces were inches apart from each other. Before they knew it, they were leaning in to each other, and their lips finally made contact with each other. As they pulled away, everything faded into darkness.


I gasped in surprise as I woke up, hearing my alarm clock, which was right next to my right ear, making me hold my ears in pain. I turned off my alarm clock, before standing up, and getting ready for school. While I was in the shower, though, my mind drifted to the dream I just had. Why do I keep dreaming of those things? Do they mean anything?

Ignoring the questions in my head, I continued to shower, then I got out, changed into my clothes, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. My grandpa was watching the news on tv, and when he saw me get down the stairs, he smiled at me.

"I heard that you and Ben were dating now." He said, and I stared at him in shock. Who told him that?

" do you know about Ben and I?" I asked him, and his smile grew wider.

"Finn, Poe, Leia, and Han told me. Then again, I always knew you two would be together, I mean, I've always known since you were kids--"

"When we were kids? What does that mean?" I asked him, suddenly getting curious at what he just said. Since we were kids? I don't remember ever knowing Ben before. Then again, I might've--

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