Chapter 7 : New Year Tournament Part 1

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"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The warden boomed. Tsuki saw some of the inmates blushing and giggled to herself, there weren't much ladies in Nanba prison. "Let's get down to business. To celebrate the New Year's- We will now begin Nanba Prison's traditional event. Our New Year's Tournament will now begin!"

A banner was released and the word 'Nanba's New Year Joint Cooperation Tournament' was seen.

Kenshirou appeared next to the warden as he said, "I will now announce the participants from each building for the New Year's tournament."

Tsuki noticed inmates from Building 13, cell 13 being confused, 

"What does he mean by participants?" Asked inmate 15, Jyugo.

"The New Year's Tournament is an annual event where inmates and officers cooperate." Hajime explained.

"A prize is given to the winning building and it's guards." Seitarou chirped in.

"In our case, we get a bonus," Yamato said, "while each inmate will receive any one item they want."

The inmates of Building 13, cell 13 (inmate 15, Jyugo, inmate 11, Uno, inmate 69, Rock and inmate 25, Nico) made a shocked face, "NANI?!" They jumped on top of each other and yelled, "HAJIME! LET US PARTICIPATE!"

"Oh crap! We shouldn't have told them!" Hajime cursed.

Seitarou stepped in and said, "B-but the warden gets to choose the participants..."

"Next, Building 13 will be represented by cell 13." Kenshirou announced.

The inmates of Building 13, cell 13 looked at Kenshirou. 

"WHYYYYYYY?!" Seitaroou and Hajime screamed.

Tsuki noticed the warden looking down and blushing. Tsuki giggled to herself once more, 'She abused her powers again...'


"Yo Hajime." A voice called out to Hajime after he sat down with cell 13, making all 5 of them to glance over. "To think that cell 13 is representing Building 13... What an unfortunate way to start the new year's, huh?" Samon leaned in and grinned ear to ear as the 2 supervisors glared at one another. "Building 5 will win this year. After all, cell 8 is representing us."

"I don't care about winning," Hajime snarled, "but I won't tolerate losing to you."

"My goodness." Said a voice. "You 2 always get into it the moment you see each other. How unsightly. You're going to sully my cell 6." 

The voice was Kiji Mitsuba, the ladylike, perfume and makeup loving supervisor of Building 3, and his representing cell 6.

Samon growled, "What did you say? You stink of perfume!"

"Oh?" Kiji said. "Would you like me to cover up your nose with cement then?"

Someone walked towards them while saying, "Don't make threatening comments to our opponents, Monkey, Kiji. It's disgraceful."

It was Kenshirou, with his representing inmate behind him.

"Stop being so conceited you damn dog!" Samon growled.

"There's only 1 inmate in Building 4, cell 10 right? Are you taking out your anger on us because you can't win?" Kiji spat.

"Hey!" Tsuki popped out from behind Kenshirou. "Nii-san's not conceited, Samon! And he's not anger either,Kiji! Even though there's only 1 inmate in our building's cell 10, we will win this year! 634-kun's strong!"

"Sorry Tsuki..." Samon and Kiji muttered.

"You 2 are not my enemies." Kenshirou noted.

"A monkey, a pheasant and a dog..." Rock said.

"It's like Momotaro!" Nico chirped.

"They're all just henchmen." Jyugo stated.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING HENCHMEN?!" Samon and Kiji yelling together.

Tsuki noticed Mitsuru standing on a bowl thingy as he announced, "HAPPY NEW YEAR, YOU B******!!! THE NEW YEAR'S TOURNAMENT IS ABOUT TO START YO! I, MITSURU, WILL BE THE PLAY-BY-PLAY COMMENTATOR, YO!"

"Which building will win the prize by advancing through 5 competition events?! Inmates! Guards! Please cooperate with one another to become the champions... YOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Mitsuru yelled happily.

Hajime covered one of his ears.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Mitsuru-dono is as energetic as usual! HAHAHA!" Yamato laughed.

Hajime covered his other ear, " He's too energetic. He's hurting my ears."

"The first event is kakizome!!!" Mitsuru announced as another banner came down. It wrote, 'Happy New Year'. "The theme is Happy New Year!!! The participant with the most beautiful and artistic penmanship is the winner!!!"

Rock, Uno and Nico's mouthes dropped open, "Th-there's no way we can write that!"

Tsuki smirked as she noticed their expressions. Jyugo is the only inmate who was Japanese but he sucks at almost everything but escaping! Tsuki took a brush and started writing.

Awhile later she was done. But their building ended up in 2nd place because Yamato and Hajime had Masters in teaching calligraphy. 

"C'mon Hajime! That's not fairrrrrr!!!" Tsuki pouted. She looked t the placing and laughed, "Samon-san! Your building got last place!!!"

"I know! Now stop up okami!!!" Samon yelled from the other side of the stadium.

Mitsuru appeared once again, announcing the next event, "The second event is... MOCHI-POUNDING DARUMA DROP!

"This event requires strength and stamina! If you complete your mochi, you win! But if the drama collapses, you lose! Just pound the mochi and drop the daruma! The rules are easy! The first stage is Building 5, cell 8 and Building 13, cell 13! Do your best and make the best mochi, you punks! Pound! Pound! Pound!"

"Sigh~ It's Building 13 and Building 5 first, we'll just sit back and wait." Tsuki sighed.

"Yeah..." Kenshirou said as they made their way up to the seats.

"634-kun?" Tsuki said.

"Yes?" Replied the '634' inmate.

"You're the only inmate representing our building, aren't you going to be tired?"

"Maybe a lil, but I'm sure it'll be worth it..."

"Oh yeah? Well, let's just sit back and watch the show!" 

"Hm..." Kenshirou started, "I think Hajime's going to put Yamato in. And the Monkey's going to put Inori." 

"Hey, look!" Tsuki pointed. "Yamato's balancing the hammer on his head! Cooollll!! And so is another inmate! I guess the purple-haired is gonna enter!"

"Inmate 69." Kenshirou said. "Makes sense, he's the muscle of Building 13, cell 13."

"It does look like it..." Tsuki stared at Rock's muscular arms.

"Now I'll introduce the participants!" Mitsuru announced. "Building 13 deputy supervising officer, Yamato Godai! Building 5 guard, Inori Hakkai! And from Building 13, cell 13, Inmate number 69! And from Building 5, cell 8, Inmate number 2!"

"Okay, ready... START!" 

Immediately, Yamato brought down a heavy blow at the mochi. Then he continuously pounding the mochi. 

"Wow, that Yamato guard is strong..." '634' muttered.

"You think he's strong? Wait 'till you've seen Hajime!" Tsuki laughed.

Suddenly, 'inmate number 2' jumped being Rock and smashed the middle daruma. 

"Oh crap!" Rock looked behind him.

"You've gone rusty Rock." 'Inmate number 2' chuckled. "Usually you don't let your opponent get the first hit."

"Liang?!" Rock exclaimed.

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