92) Black

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"One of the weirdest characteristics in our (western) society . . . is that our approach to education is extraordinarily authoritarian. It is obsessed with compulsion and control. So the child in the modern classroom may not move, speak, sing, laugh, eat, drink, read, write, think, their own thoughts, look out the window, or even use to toilet without explicit permission from an authority figure.

In WEIRD (western, educated, industrialized, rich, democratic) societies we are so habituated to this appalling lack of person freedom that it has become functionally invisible to us and in a truly Orwellian twist, many people now consider it a 'fundamental human right' to be legally compelled to learn what somebody in authority says we have to learn."

- Carol Black


I don't usually have such long quotes in this book, but I feel really passionate about this issue. Because it is so long, I will try to have my bit be a little shorter than usual.

I feel strongly about a lot of social issues, but one topic that hits closest to home and that I'm most passionate about is youth rights. The fact that it is acceptable to treat humans as subhuman irks me like nothing else. I tend to focus on the home dynamic rather than the school dynamic, so this was eye-opening for me.

I've always thought that schools could improve by having a more collaborative environment, especially between teachers and students. Teachers should converse with their students to teach them, not talk down to them. Especially after elementary school, the school system can be far too strict and treats students like they're dumb, to the point where it seems almost humiliating and inhumane. I know that schools have to have rules and that it's hard for a single teacher to work with so many students, but it seems clear to me that schools could and should be doing more to treat their students with kindness respect.


Written: 12.12.2017

Posted:  1.8.2017


I'm not sure the exact source of this quote. If you do, please let me know.

I'm finally back on track after uploading and messing up my schedule. If you're wondering my posting is off, that's why.

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